PoppDillon Member


  • Monday (Australia time!) weigh in. Starting weight: 215lb Current weight: 210lb Short term goal: 200lb Goal weight: 175lb Hit a small plateau - I think it's because it has been a while since I tracked on a regular basis so I has forgotten the cyclical nature of my weight loss. Premenstrual cravings are a bugger!
  • Starting weight: 215lb Current weight: 209lb Short term goal: 200lb Goal weight: 175lb So I put on 1lb - I knew that Monday weigh in was always going to be risky and I can rationalise with the beautiful Greek lunch yesterday but still a little flat.
  • Monday weigh in - welcome to daylight savings time! I lost an hour! Starting weight: 215lb Current weight: 208lb Short term goal: 200lb Goal weight: 175lb 2lb weight loss this week - slow and steady wins the race etc!
  • Monday (Australia time!) weigh in. Starting weight: 215lb Current weight: 210lb Short term goal: 200lb Goal weight: 175lb So a loss of 5lb this week. I know it's the first focused week for a while and this level is not sustainable but it has encouraged me. Tracking on mfp every day and finally being able to walk again…
  • Weighing in Monday because weekends are bad for me Current weight: 215lb Short term goal: 200lb Goal weight: 175lb
  • Hi all Long time MFP user but need some accountability assistance! I'm 51, 5ft 6in tall and weigh 215lb. At my lightest I was 170lb and want to get back there again. I know what to do but need some weekly accountability to help with my motivation (donated to weight watchers for many many years!). There are many reasons for…