
  • MissGeorgiaPeachy
    MissGeorgiaPeachy Posts: 315 Member
    I love the "very married" part and should have included that in my introduction when I did one. Anyway, I am so proud of you. It's not easy taking the first step and you did that! You can definitely do it! I have all the faith in you, you just need to have the faith in yourself. <3
  • MissGeorgiaPeachy
    MissGeorgiaPeachy Posts: 315 Member
    I also meant to say one thing that has helped me stay on track is doing walking challenges. I found one on Facebook last month for St. Jude and this month I'm doing 60 Miles in September for the American Cancer Society. I track how far I walk every day to make sure I stay on target and it gives me the motivation to do it. I don't always walk so fast though and I don't think you have to. Go at the pace that's comfortable for you so you don't hurt yourself.
  • DianaMoonGoddess
    DianaMoonGoddess Posts: 4 Member
    edited September 2023
    I feel like I found my fitnesspal twins!!! I'm 57, need to lose 40 lbs, married, 2 kids at home in college, and I'm back on this app after a long break. The 2 friends I had don't use the app anymore, so I'm open to new friends :) I need help motivating to eat better, though I don't know if I want to give up my dark chocolate addiction ;) Maybe just tame it ;) Fall/Winter are hard for me, as I get the baking urge when it cools down. Had knee surgery 6 months ago and I am just starting to feel I can work out again :) PS How does one send friend requests? I can't find it on profile pages.
  • angwright79
    angwright79 Posts: 1 Member
    I’m 44 and had a work injury. I’ve gained 40lbs in the last 3 years and kept waiting for my foot to get better. After 5 surgeries I’ve realized running is out of the question. I started a week ago on phentermine 15mg and counting my calories on the app. I was hesitant to try the medication from my doctor but I have lost 8lbs in 5 days. I am only allowed to be on it for 3 months so I am trying to teach myself to eat healthier so I don’t gain it back when I stop the meds. I feel unattractive and have never been heavy before. I also need support. I’m a paramedic and a mom and I need a lifestyle change!
  • PoppDillon
    PoppDillon Posts: 6 Member
    Hi all
    Long time MFP user but need some accountability assistance! I'm 51, 5ft 6in tall and weigh 215lb. At my lightest I was 170lb and want to get back there again. I know what to do but need some weekly accountability to help with my motivation (donated to weight watchers for many many years!). There are many reasons for the weight gain - physical and mental but just putting myself out there feels positive. Looking forward and not back. Also need to help myself to help my husband who's in a similar position!
  • AnnDemp
    AnnDemp Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there from a wet and grey Dublin, Ireland.
    I'm also "very married" 😀 (25 years next week) and would love to jump in here if there's room for me. I'm 51, currently weigh 168lb but that is compacted into 4ft 10inches of woman. I've been using the app for 3 months and lost 12lbs in that time. My head wants to lose it faster but my heart knows slow and steady makes for better long term change. I also don't really know how to use this community feature but would like to be part of this group.
    Hope you all are doing well.
  • 23Bougie
    23Bougie Posts: 31 Member
    edited September 2023
    I missed my weigh in yesterday…
    For anyone who wants to participate in the “weekly weigh-in”. Feel free to cut and paste my pervious Friday posts and adjust to your stats.
    I’ve been having a tough time staying focused and look forward to weigh in NEXT Friday.
    I’ve gotten VERY good at justifying bad choices and seem to be waiting for the big burst of motivation that I can usually pull out of my back pocket to happen. No excuses, just trying to be accountable.
    Hope everyone is doing better than I am at this point. Ughhhh
  • daria0919
    daria0919 Posts: 1,036 Member
    edited September 2023
    23Bougie wrote: »
    I missed my weigh in yesterday…
    For anyone who wants to participate in the “weekly weigh-in”. Feel free to cut and paste my pervious Friday posts and adjust to your stats.
    I’ve been having a tough time staying focused and look forward to weigh in NEXT Friday.
    I’ve gotten VERY good at justifying bad choices and seem to be waiting for the big burst of motivation that I can usually pull out of my back pocket to happen. No excuses, just trying to be accountable.
    Hope everyone is doing better than I am at this point. Ughhhh

    I’m right there with you! My week was very much the same. Have already made better choices today for breakfast and lunch.

    Time for me to get back on track and quit giving into temptations of chocolate, and overeating.
  • Winning4EJ
    Winning4EJ Posts: 47 Member
    I don't even like weighing in at all. Seems things get harder for me when I do, however, I may give it a try. Maybe weighing in regularly will make me stay on track.
  • ruthhow1010
    ruthhow1010 Posts: 3 Member
    Seems like I have found my gang. 64 years old very married and here again restarting after gaining all I lost. 5'1" 145lbs a gain of 45 ( yes nearly half as much again what I was 3 years ago) Aiming to lose a stone by Christmas. ... cutting out refined sugar so that means no alcohol... except for occasional celebration days. Looking to increase my step count. And eat healthy.. an average of 1400 calories a day. When I lost before I did two days a week of 1000 calories, 2 days at 1200 calories and 'borrowed' the remaining calories to add to other days. This helped me cope with meals out, weekends etc, and kidded my metabolism that I wasn't being deprived. No guilt on days I consumed 1800 or even 2000 so long as my weekly total was no more than 9800. I don't know if anyone else has tried this? I lost 40lb previously doing this.... but fell off the wagon having maintained at goal for a couple of years. I blame lockdown and myself for stopping using the scales and burying my head in the sand!
  • desertbloom415
    desertbloom415 Posts: 44 Member
    Sounds like a few of us had a rough week last week. I missed Friday's weigh-in too. I'd lost 6 lbs & then today I saw I'd gained back 2. I definitely eat when stressed and last week was certainly stressful. I need to work on not automatically turning to food when I'm anxious. I do much better when I don't have snacks in the house so I'll get rid of those because last week I definitely snacked unnecessarily - wasn't even hungry, I just did it late at night when I couldn't sleep.

    Friday weigh-ins (doing calorie deficit with goal of ~1200/day plus walking).
    Starting weight: 194 lbs
    Goal weight: 140 lbs,

    9/01 190 (-4)
    9/08 188.5 (-1.5)
    9/17 190.5 (+2)
  • darwinharper
    darwinharper Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, everyone I'm Darwin Harper from USA just here to maintain weight and it's nice being here learning and getting motivation.
  • chris_in_cal
    chris_in_cal Posts: 2,503 Member
    Winning4EJ wrote: »
    Maybe weighing in regularly will make me stay on track.

    It might inspire you and support you in sticking with it. That's the hope.
  • PoppDillon
    PoppDillon Posts: 6 Member
    Weighing in Monday because weekends are bad for me
    Current weight: 215lb
    Short term goal: 200lb
    Goal weight: 175lb
  • desertbloom415
    desertbloom415 Posts: 44 Member
    Doing a bit better, feel back on track after a stressful week last week. Scale says I lost a pound so maybe my weight is evening out after the few rough days I had. Tomorrow will be busy so I should have another good day. Hope you all are doing well.
  • ginadacat
    ginadacat Posts: 122 Member
    Hi all. I’m Gina, from Kentucky , 54 years old, very married also. My starting weight was 207. Currently at 197 after 1 month. I was at 194 last week, but gained a few pounds. Since I stayed under my daily calorie intake, I’m figuring it may be muscle gain. I’m on a 1400 calorie a day diet, walking 5 days a week. Today I walked 30 minutes, went 1 1/2 miles. I’m gonna increase it to 2 miles next week. Feel free to add me as a friend. I need all the support and motivation I can get!
  • ddsb1111
    ddsb1111 Posts: 857 Member
    I have to ask, why does everyone stress the very married part? I believe I saw in another thread that she wanted an intro with the friend requests so she knew they weren’t a perv. This concerns me, does this happen? Have you had personal experiences on here where several people made you that uncomfortable?? 🙁
  • xbowhunter
    xbowhunter Posts: 1,093 Member
    Hi I'm married or perhaps slightly married or maybe very married. I always thought married was well married... :)

    Get over it ladies no one here wants to get down with you... lol
  • tashrifica
    tashrifica Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all, I've been out of the loop for a bit and not super successful with my goals here. I was out of town for most of last week living out of a suitcase and eating in restaurants. Not walking, not tracking, not drinking my water....ugh. I got back on track yesterday with logging but still haven't gotten back into my daily walks yet, so tired. I'm not gonna beat myself up about it, just hoping when i weigh in tomorrow its not too big of a gain.
    I hope everyone else is doing well, is anyone doing regular exercise? I'm super out of shape and i know i need to start, aside from walking i am thinking some strength training or body weight exercises. Do you follow anyone on youtube? I'm open to any suggestions. Thanks all.
  • desertbloom415
    desertbloom415 Posts: 44 Member
    edited September 2023
    ddsb1111 Posts: 322 Member
    I have to ask, why does everyone stress the very married part? I believe I saw in another thread that she wanted an intro with the friend requests so she knew they weren’t a perv. This concerns me, does this happen? Have you had personal experiences on here where several people made you that uncomfortable?? 🙁

    Unfortunately yes, it happens a lot. I think 'very married' is a polite way to ask others not to make this group about anything sexual and that we're all here just to get healthier without having to fend of unwanted advances. It's like when you take a nice walk on a simple errand starting off in a good mood and then someone ruins it all by saying something unwanted and untoward. The xbowhunter alpha male poser type person above is wrong, probably not the first time. I wouldn't be surprised if I got some hate messages from them from this post alone.