bcjones4733 Member


  • I think I may try journaling, on the computer of course. It helps just to type this stuff out and get it off my chest. Responses help tremendously.
  • I've cancelled Thanksgiving with my family because I can't see myself doing all that cooking and can't eat anything; no stuffing, no potato salad, no candied yams, no dessert! What's the point. I've found that if I eat more than 4 ounces of food at a time my blood sugar spikes up 150 points. Broken down food into 5-6 small…
  • Thanks for responding. I know I'm pushing too hard, but I've got 90 days to get my numbers under control. Start with 1 block walk to warm up then do 4 sets of 50 leg lifts on exercise bench and 4 upper body expercises with 10 lb. weights. and cool down with 25 reps of arms crossovers with 2 lb. weights. I'm starting from…
  • Took 100 mg of Tramadol, which of course does nothing for the pain,, just tricks your mind to say you are not hurting but was still aching. Figured I had some inflammation so I took Aleve and Acetomeniphen. That helped after 3 hours. Was able to sleep last night.
  • I'd like to restart this group. It hits the sweetspot for me, over 60 and just starting a workout routine. I only need to lose 10 pounds, but it's the hardest 10 pounds on my body. That's why I include weights in my workout. I start with a power walk around the block and then do a 20 minute leg lift/weights workout, can…
  • By the way, I'm Bert, and I live in the Dallas area. Changed eating habits. Now instead of eating to fuel myself for 6 hours I only eat to fuel myself for 2 hours, but grazing all day is tedious. I equate eating with cooking and I don't want to cook 5 times a day. Looking for small meal ideas to keep me on top of things.
  • I'm 66 and just starting my fitness journey to get my numbers under control, blood glucose, cholesterol. My doctor gave me 90 days. Have turned everything upside down; no soda's, no ice cream, little sugar, and working out for the first time in 32 years. Blood glucose is my main concern. But I am so sore after working out…
  • All I know is when I was taking Statins I was in a total funk and everything slowed down. After many months my doctor took me off them and in 2 weeks it was like the sun came out. The doctor said I was in a Lipitor fog. Tried Crestor also, same result. So now I do not take statins