abnerchiang5574 Member


  • First off, congrats on being just 13 pounds away from your goal weight – you've got this! It's always inspiring to hear about others on their weight loss journey. I can relate to what you and JinnyW14 are discussing. I've actually reached my goal weight in the past, but I've had some setbacks and ended up regaining some…
  • Hey there, It's great to hear about your eating pattern, which sounds a lot like intermittent fasting, even if you don't call it that. Eating when you're hungry makes a lot of sense and aligns with listening to your body's cues. And it's cool that you're flexible about it – that's a more intuitive approach. As for how it…
  • Thanks for the useful suggestion. My body cannot tolerate spicy food, unfortunately. Would taking capsaicin supplements be an equally bad idea? Does anyone drink green tea, instead of taking green tea extract, to boost metabolism and lose weight? Is anyone actually in support of weight loss using supplements?
  • @kristinecraig5 Kristine You are welcome. Just an update: what I said above is still working for me so far. Today is day 2 without any junk food. I am really looking forward to standing onto the scale tomorrow morning. How are you finding your journey today?
  • @CheyenneCGill2023 How are you feeling today? The times I needed to eat more were that when I suffered from constipation. I felt that my body was afraid of collapsing therefore refusing my intention to lose further weight. So it made me constipated. Eating more eased my condition and made me feel better. I also think I…
  • I can understand and can relate to how you feel. The night before I had an episode of binge eating. I find that when I feel I have had a tough day, it is time to reward me with lots of food. I did not binge eat yesterday. By no means I have resolved my problems. But I find doing two things helps: 1) do not have access to…
  • @lauren_989 thank you so much for the suggestion. How are you finding your journey using his ideas? Any parts you find it difficult to implement?
  • I am 182cm (6 foot) and 74kg (163 pounds). The BMI recommendation is to maintain my weight. But my goal has always been 62kg (137 pounds). It is possible that I want to be slim but healthy weight because of my culture and ethnicity. I reached 63kg, although technically not identical, but I consider I had reached the…
  • I am really grateful for all the thoughts and care you all have put in when you wrote the comments. @kiteflyer105 it looks like you are getting the hang of controlling the eating disorder. I am really glad to hear that. Also it looks like you are willing to be my accountability partner for my weight loss and stop-binge…
  • Hi. I would like to have an accountability partner for my weight loss journey. I am 182cm and 73kg. According to BMI for my ethnicity, right now I am borderline weight healthy and just need to maintain my weight. However, a lot of times I tend to binge eat, that is what makes everything challenging. Please add me as a…
  • Today is a new day I want to leave yesterday behind me after I have reflected on it. I have put on extra 2kg weight after I posted the messages last night. This is in spite of the fact that I have done lots of exercises. I have bought lots of boxes of chocolates from Amazon because of the shipping discount. Last night I…
  • Thank you @maggiegirl135 and @kiteflyer105 for your messages. I am keeping a really close eye on the developments and will try to speak to a mental health professional. I will report back with updates.
  • Thanks for the information. I think I have eating disorder because I have emotional eating problems. I can gain 4kg overnight because I just binge eat. Lately my weight has been on an upwards spiral. The tend does not seem wanting to stop. I am really concerned. I am afraid of seeking proper help because of the stigma…