DawnDenee Member


  • I just made Skillet Gardener's Pie (vegan shepherd's pie) from the fat free vegan blog. https://blog.fatfreevegan.com/2008/05/skillet-gardeners-pie.html It is so ridiculously good and so filling!
  • Hi Everyone! I'm Denee...I gotta tell you it was like going down the rabbit hole trying to find this group but so glad I kept looking for a vegan group! I have been vegan for about 3 years but have fallen off the wagon a bunch of times. I lost 80lbs about 15 years ago and was running half marathons. I had an injury that…
  • I'm in the midst of book 11 of The Wheel of Time on my Kindle by Robert Jordan and also reading a new book I picked up at the library called A Catalogue of Catastraphe by Jodi Taylor
  • Oh, glad I found this...I'm going to give this a try!
  • Morning World! I am Denee...I'm here to reboot. I lost almost 80lbs about 12 years ago. I felt fantastic and hadn't quite hit goal. I was even doing half marathons which I never thought I would do. I ended up completing 5!!! Then the bottom fell out...some very stressful events occurred and before I knew it I was a back to…