62blackdogs Member


  • Check-in 75 Happy (Goal is to loss weight and to do task with/for happiness) 1 Meet daily myFitnesspal food intake goal. 2. 5000 steps daily 3. Drink 80 oz of water daily. 4. No alcohol drinks 5. Read 20 minutes. 6. Track my progress with weekly weigh-in. 7. Yoga 20 minutes. Weigh-In January 1: 224.0 March 18: 209.3…
  • Check-in 75 Happy (Goal is to loss weight and to do task with/for happiness) 1 Meet daily myFitnesspal food intake goal. 2. 5000 steps daily 3. Drink 80 oz of water daily. 4. No alcohol drinks 5. Read 20 minutes. 6. Track my progress with weekly weigh-in. 7. Yoga 20 minutes. Weigh-In January 1: 224.0 March 18: 209.3…
  • Check-in 75 Happy (Goal is to loss weight and to do task with/for happiness) 1 Meet daily myFitnesspal food intake goal. 2. 5000 steps daily 3. Drink 80 oz of water daily. 4. No alcohol drinks 5. Read 20 minutes. 6. Track my progress with weekly weigh-in. 7. Yoga 20 minutes. Weigh-In January 1: 224.0 March 18: 209.3…
  • Day 1 check-in 75 Happy (Goal is to loss weight and to do task with/for happiness) 1 Meet daily myFitnesspal food intake goal. 2. 5000 steps daily 3. Drink 80 oz of water daily. 4. No alcohol drinks 5. Read 20 minutes. 6. Track my progress with weekly weigh-in. 7. Yoga 20 minutes. Weigh-In January 1: 224.0 March 18: 209.3…
  • Well back from vacation, I have about 10 weeks until the next one. Planing on weigh-in on Monday and starting back up,
  • Putting this thread on hold, I will be on vacation til March 1st. I will check-in at that point and come up with a plan,
  • Day 21 check-in 75 Hard goals with exercise modification. 1 Meet daily myFitnesspal food intake goal. 2. Average 7500 steps over 77 days. (45,606 steps this week) 3. Drink 80 oz of water daily. 4. No alcohol drinks 5. Read 20 minutes. 6. Track my progress with weekly weigh-in. 7. Yoga 20 minutes. Had my first day really…
  • Day 98: Hit a milestone this morning weighing in at 203.7 so first time seeing a 20lbs weight loss, That averages out to 1.4lbs per week. I'm pleased with that. Not quite sure why my weight loss pace has picked up in the last few weeks, since my injury. Not going to think about it too much.
  • Day 20: Just as I say the knee is doing great, I hurt it just a little, of all places sitting on the couch. I walked with a brace today just to be safe. Done with calories for the day, one more glass of water and yoga left.
  • Day 19: Knee is doing great, walking 7500-8000 steps the last 5 days without crutch or brace, Doing well on the rest of the program, all is well. Expecting another good number on the scale next Monday, all is good.
  • Day 15 check-in 75 Hard goals with exercise modification. (on-track) 1 Meet daily myFitnesspal food intake goal. 2. Average 7500 steps over 77 days. (45,606 steps this week) 3. Drink 80 oz of water daily. 4. No alcohol drinks 5. Read 20 minutes. 6. Track my progress with weekly weigh-in. 7. Yoga 20 minutes. Weigh-In…
  • Day 14: 205.8 weigh-in today, going to do my best to be close to that tomorrow morning for the official weigh-in. Morning walk today was strong, did minor hills with minimal crutch. All is good.
  • Day 13: Walk the local mall, flat is a lot easier than mild hills, managed to walk some without crutch and put in 7489 steps so far. Goals going well today, I have two more glasses of water and yoga left. I have about 300 calories with another 2hours and 30 min of eating time. I may have a snack in about 90 min. All good.
  • Day 12: Grinding along with my tasks. Have bumped my walking up to 5,000 steps. The knee is slowly improving. I was thinking I had made huge strides and tried to walk with a walking stick, but could not put in the steps. I'm still using a crutch. Good weigh-in today 206.5, I'm focusing on getting thru Easter without to…
  • Day 8 check-in 75 Hard goals with exercise modification. (on-track) 1 Meet daily myFitnesspal food intake goal. 2. Average 7500 steps over 77 days. (27,608 steps this week) 3. Drink 80 oz of water daily. 4. No alcohol drinks 5. Read 20 minutes. 6. Track my progress with weekly weigh-in. 7. Yoga 20 minutes. Weigh-In January…
  • Close to End of Day 7 Well walking with sticks didn't work that well, not enough support.. Bummer.. Currently need two more glasses of water, yoga and reading to complete the day. Also I'm at 5531 steps, not sure if I will get in the last 400, icing knee as I read and we will see. Done eating for the day and expecting a…
  • Day 7 Walking better, thinking about using walking sticks today.. Maybe 6000 steps? Time will tell.
  • Day 5 Doing well on all goals. Done eating for the day, just two glasses of water to drink to close it out. I got 5000 steps in today, I'm still walking with the crutch, but using them for minimal support and safety at this point. I have a goal of 25,000 steps this week, then 35,000 next week. Also on wednesday I got a…
  • Day 1 Starting weight: 209.3 Need to drink one more glass of water plus the one in front of me. Steps: I got in 2888 steps (two trips to the end of the street) Felt good, but I need to take it easy. I have 700+ calories to eat with a hour to go. I will get a snack in. Back into the adventure.
  • Let us begin anew! My knee is healing, I can put weight on it, no way I'm walking any distance. Under 250 steps these days. Hoping to be doing light exercise in 2 weeks. So here is the plan for the next 77 days: 75 Hard goals with exercise modification. 1 Meet daily myFitnesspal food intake goal. 2. Average 7500 steps over…
  • Final check-in on the first 75 days. Goals: (Day 75) 1A Meet daily myFitnesspal food intake goal. Success. 1B Eat in a 8 hour window. Missed 3 days were I ate 15 to 20 min outside window. 3. 8000 steps a day. Perfect except last 4 days with a dislocated knee. Averaged: 8336 step/day over the 75 days. 4. Drink 80 oz of…
  • I partially dislocated my knee on tuesday, so no walking and no 5K run this weekend. Bummer.. I'm going to continue with the rest of my goals, even after my 75 days ends. I need this structure right now to stay on track. When I can exercise again, I will create a formal program.
  • I ate Indian for lunch, no idea on calories. Putting down 1500. I'm still below calories, but most likely not a good way to consume my daily allotment. GRIN. Still have yoga, reading and a large amount of water to finish the day.
  • Doing well, slowing down on my comments. It is starting to become a grind, getting harder to record calories. Today I have a large amount of calories still to eat and two glasses of water.
  • Goals: (Day 57) 1A Meet daily myFitnesspal food intake goal. 1B Eat in a 8 hour window. (Dropped from 10 hour window in first week. 10am-6pm) 3. 8000 steps a day. (Raised this from 7500 in week 4) 4. Drink 80 oz of water daily. 5. No alcohol drinks or sugar drinks. (Added in first week) 6. Read 20 minutes. 7. Track my…
  • Good day, have my dinner calories recorded, about to go make it. Coming right in on my daily calories. I walked 10K steps, not in my calorie count. Still have yoga and 2 glasses of water to complete day. Feeling good, sore after that 10K run/walk from a few days back, but slow walk today really helped take away some…
  • @nikispence Thank you, Good day today, I ate my base calories plus about 200 more. I ran/walked a 10K today so had extra calories to eat. Feels real good to be exercising 15lbs lighter, really looking forward to shedding the last 15lbs. Blessings to you and stay strong as well. I still have one glass of water to drink,…
  • I ate outside my 8 hour window. I will eat in my 8 hour window going forward. I will finish out the 75 days with this blemish. I will then decide what comes next, it maybe another 75day attempt. I want to create a "rest of the year" plan that will form the basis for life long habits. Goals: (Day 57) 1A Meet daily…
  • @nikispence Hi Niki.. Welcome. I'm on a 75 modified. Sending you some support.
  • Nice jog/walk today, did my second test 5K. Time was 41:35. Thinking I'm on track to finish the St Patricks race in under 40 min which is my goal. Good feeling.