75 Challenge for The New Year



  • 62blackdogs
    62blackdogs Posts: 63 Member
    Day 98: Hit a milestone this morning weighing in at 203.7 so first time seeing a 20lbs weight loss, That averages out to 1.4lbs per week. I'm pleased with that. Not quite sure why my weight loss pace has picked up in the last few weeks, since my injury. Not going to think about it too much.
  • 62blackdogs
    62blackdogs Posts: 63 Member
    Day 21 check-in
    75 Hard goals with exercise modification.
    1 Meet daily myFitnesspal food intake goal.
    2. Average 7500 steps over 77 days. (45,606 steps this week)
    3. Drink 80 oz of water daily.
    4. No alcohol drinks
    5. Read 20 minutes.
    6. Track my progress with weekly weigh-in.
    7. Yoga 20 minutes.

    Had my first day really off the program. Pretty much skip the whole program today except food. I will start at day 1 tomorrow. I need the structure, don't need to be perfect but need to maintain the structure.

    January 1: 224.0
    March 18: 209.3 (-14.7) first 77 days.
    March 25: 207.5 (-1.8) much better than I expected; ahead of 1lbs/week pace.
    April 1: 206.2 (-1.3) I survived Easter!
    April 8: 203.9 (-2.3) much larger than I expected.
    June 3: 198 (Goal) - 26 lbs in 154 days!

    Walking Plan
    I got in 57,204 steps
    I need to average 7984 steps a day for the rest of program to meet my goal.
    Shooting for 56,000 steps this week
  • 62blackdogs
    62blackdogs Posts: 63 Member
    Putting this thread on hold, I will be on vacation til March 1st. I will check-in at that point and come up with a plan,
  • 62blackdogs
    62blackdogs Posts: 63 Member
    Well back from vacation, I have about 10 weeks until the next one. Planing on weigh-in on Monday and starting back up,
  • 62blackdogs
    62blackdogs Posts: 63 Member
    edited May 7
    Day 1 check-in
    75 Happy (Goal is to loss weight and to do task with/for happiness)
    1 Meet daily myFitnesspal food intake goal.
    2. 5000 steps daily
    3. Drink 80 oz of water daily.
    4. No alcohol drinks
    5. Read 20 minutes.
    6. Track my progress with weekly weigh-in.
    7. Yoga 20 minutes.

    January 1: 224.0
    March 18: 209.3 (-14.7) first 77 days.
    April 8: 203.9 (-20.1) low before vacation
    May 6: 207.5 (+3.6) New Day 1
    July 15: 197 (Goal) Start of next vacation

    Day 1 going well I have 2 glasses of water to drink and read for 20 min.
  • 62blackdogs
    62blackdogs Posts: 63 Member
    edited May 14
    75 Happy (Goal is to loss weight and to do task with/for happiness)
    1 Meet daily myFitnesspal food intake goal.
    2. 5000 steps daily
    3. Drink 80 oz of water daily.
    4. No alcohol drinks
    5. Read 20 minutes.
    6. Track my progress with weekly weigh-in.
    7. Yoga 20 minutes.

    January 1: 224.0
    March 18: 209.3 (-14.7) first 77 days.
    April 8: 203.9 (-20.1) low before vacation
    May 6: 207.5 (+3.6) New Day 1
    May 13: 206,2 (-1.3)
    July 15: 197 (Goal) Start of next vacation

    I want to be more consistent with daily goals, pretty happy with weight loss.
  • 62blackdogs
    62blackdogs Posts: 63 Member
    edited May 20
    75 Happy (Goal is to loss weight and to do task with/for happiness)
    1 Meet daily myFitnesspal food intake goal.
    2. 5000 steps daily
    3. Drink 80 oz of water daily.
    4. No alcohol drinks
    5. Read 20 minutes.
    6. Track my progress with weekly weigh-in.
    7. Yoga 20 minutes.

    January 1: 224.0
    March 18: 209.3 (-14.7) first 77 days.
    April 8: 203.9 (-20.1) low before vacation
    May 6: 207.5 (+3.6) New Day 1
    May 13: 206.2 (-1.3)
    May 20: 205.6 (-0.6)
    July 15: 197 (Goal) Start of next vacation

    Happy with weight loss, daily steps I'm doing well, I want to work on not eating after 6pm. I believe it would improve my weight loss. Recording food would help as well.
  • 62blackdogs
    62blackdogs Posts: 63 Member
    75 Happy (Goal is to loss weight and to do task with/for happiness)
    1 Meet daily myFitnesspal food intake goal.
    2. 5000 steps daily
    3. Drink 80 oz of water daily.
    4. No alcohol drinks
    5. Read 20 minutes.
    6. Track my progress with weekly weigh-in.
    7. Yoga 20 minutes.

    January 1: 224.0
    March 18: 209.3 (-14.7) first 77 days.
    April 8: 203.9 (-20.1) low before vacation
    May 6: 207.5 (+3.6) New Day 1
    May 13: 206.2 (-1.3)
    May 20: 205.6 (-0.6)
    May 27: 204.1 (-1.5) Goal for this week is get to 203 for a new low!
    July 15: 197 (Goal) Start of next vacation

    I am keeping up with Food intake goal, Walking and Alcohol. Need to find a good book, reading has suffered and yoga. Same as what i said last week, I want to work on not eating after 6pm. I believe it would improve my weight loss. Recording food would help as well. I'm going to set an alarm for 6pm to remind me to stop eating. Overall the results are good.
  • 62blackdogs
    62blackdogs Posts: 63 Member
    Been a while since my last entry. I have been off the wagon, but at least I have been close to it. First day back on. Doing food entry, walking, intermittent fasting, yoga, and water.

    January 1: 224.0
    March 18: 209.3 (-14.7) first 77 days.
    April 8: 203.9 (-20.1) low before vacation
    May 6: 207.5 (+3.6) New Day 1
    May 13: 206.2 (-1.3)
    May 20: 205.6 (-0.6)
    May 27: 204.1 (-1.5)
    July 1: 205.0 (+0.9). Good news not to much weight gain.
    July 15: 202 (Goal) Start of next vacation