75 Challenge for The New Year

SusannahMorgan82 Posts: 10 Member
Hey there!! I am doing a 75 Challenge for The New Year. This’ll be my 3rd attempt…lol. My last try was in June and though I didn’t complete the challenge successfully many of the “rules” became habits for me which helped me stay on track these last 6 months. But now I’m excited about re-starting my 75 Soft Challenge and am working on some numbered post it notes with inspiration and/or rewards written on the back to keep me motivated! But here are my rules:
1. Eat in a calorie deficit. (I track my meals on MyFitnessPal)
2. 40 minutes of movement daily; 20 minutes must be outside, with one day for active recovery (I like using “movement” better than “workout” or “exercise” because it’s less pressure while also focusing on the important part, which is moving more!)
3. Drink 96 oz of water daily (it’s a good number for me because I drink one 16 oz bottle every morning then can aim to finish 2 of my fake Stanley’s at 40 oz each LOL)
4. Read 10 minutes every night before bed
5. Track my progress with a daily picture and weekly weigh-in

Does anyone want to give it a try with me? You can do the classic 75 Hard, 75 Soft, 75 Medium or just make up your own health rules for the next 75 days!!


  • 62blackdogs
    62blackdogs Posts: 63 Member
    edited January 2
    Your 75 challenge is real close to my New Years goals. Good news is I have day one done.
    I'm IN with:
    1A Eat in a calorie deficit. (I will track my meals on MyFitnessPal)
    1B Eat in a 10 hour window
    3. 40 min of movement; I have a goal of 7500 steps a day.
    4. Drink 80 oz of water daily (Do i need to do more?; Comments welcome)
    5. 1 alcohol drink per week max; will be in social settings only. Expect this to be lower.
    6. Read 20 minutes
    7. Track my progress with a weekly picture and weekly weigh-in. (Daily picture? Comments welcome)

    When do we check-in (weekly? daily?)
    Note: Using Streak app to monitor progress.
  • 62blackdogs
    62blackdogs Posts: 63 Member
    Day 2 complete!
  • Emiliebeauchamp
    Emiliebeauchamp Posts: 228 Member
    I woke up early this morning a d decided to give the 75 hard another try. I haven't been very active in the last few years and want to get back in shape to fully enjoy the summer. Here are my rules.

    1:30h movement half of it must be done outside the house.
    1 gallon of water per day
    Eat at a deficit mostly plant based
    No drinking
    10 pages of non fiction
    Daily selfie, weekly weigh in and progress pic.

    So far for day one:
    25 minutes step workout in the garage
    20 minutes arms and should YouTube video
    2 litres of water

    Let's do this!
  • 62blackdogs
    62blackdogs Posts: 63 Member
    @Emiliebeauchamp - Glad you are here. Yesterday was day 3 for me on 75 Soft

    It was somewhat of a challenge yesterday, I was out finishing my 7500 steps at 7:30pm, normal life got my attention most of the day.

    My Original goals were:
    1A Eat in a calorie deficit.
    1B Eat in a 10 hour window
    3. 40 min of movement; I have a goal of 7500 steps a day.
    4. Drink 80 oz of water daily.
    5. 1 alcohol drink per week max; will be in social settings only. Expect this to be lower.
    6. Read 20 minutes
    7. Track my progress with a weekly picture and weekly weigh-in.

    After 3 days: I'm changing #5 to no drinking. I was out at an event last night at had a beer in hand, only finish half of it. Coming home I realized that I'm uncomfortable at events not holding a drink. I think part of this challenge is leaning into discomfort.
  • 62blackdogs
    62blackdogs Posts: 63 Member
    edited January 5
    Wrapping up Day 4.. Pretty easy day. Have reading and a 16 oz glass of water left.

    1A Meet daily myFitnesspal food intake goal.
    1B Eat in a 10 hour window.
    3. 7500 steps a day.
    4. Drink 80 oz of water daily.
    5. No alcohol drinks or sugar drinks.
    6. Read 20 minutes.
    7. Track my progress with a weekly picture and weekly weigh-in.
  • 62blackdogs
    62blackdogs Posts: 63 Member
    Day 5 was harder than most, rain main challenge
    Day 6 finished, it was a strange day, was not that hungry most of the day, had some movie popcorn late, and was short 300 calories. Not good management..
  • Liiz82
    Liiz82 Posts: 1 Member
    I would love to do this challenge. I am new to the community boards. Do I just post like this!?!
  • 62blackdogs
    62blackdogs Posts: 63 Member
    edited January 9
    Hi Lilz, welcome. It would be great to know your goals and motivations. But not needed.

    Day 8 today was interesting. I was busy most of the day and got distracted trying to sync my iphone with icloud. I was late starting on my goals. I just finished my walking at about 5:50. I only had two meals today, again distracted. I have two glasses of water to drink, reading left.

    Goals: (8 Day still on goal)
    1A Meet daily myFitnesspal food intake goal.
    1B Eat in a 10 hour window.
    3. 7500 steps a day.
    4. Drink 80 oz of water daily.
    5. No alcohol drinks or sugar drinks.
    6. Read 20 minutes.
    7. Track my progress with a weekly picture and weekly weigh-in.

    January 1st Start Weight: 224lbs
    75 day Goal Weight: 204lbs (2 lbs loss/week)
    I'm planning on staying on this challenge until I get to 195, then will evaluate.

    January 1: 224.0
    January 8: 221.4
    January 15:
    January 22:
    January 29:
    February 5:
    February 12:
    February 19:
    February 26
    March 4:
    March 11:
  • 62blackdogs
    62blackdogs Posts: 63 Member
    Day 9 going well. Raining outside but exercise still going well. I have 585 steps, yoga and my reading left to do. Also the dreaded photo is due today.
  • 62blackdogs
    62blackdogs Posts: 63 Member
    Day 12 - On track - there is a need to get my task done early in the day. I was finishing my reading at 10pm and dinner was a 10 min befor 6. (Daily fasting starts at 6)

    I starting to see some fat loss from my body!
  • 62blackdogs
    62blackdogs Posts: 63 Member
    Day 13 - Rain, I walked in the mall. Day good, I ate my calories which I have been short on. On pace for a good weigh in on Monday.
  • 62blackdogs
    62blackdogs Posts: 63 Member
    Day 15 -

    Goals: (15 Day still on goal)
    1A Meet daily myFitnesspal food intake goal.
    1B Eat in a 10 hour window.
    3. 7500 steps a day.
    4. Drink 80 oz of water daily.
    5. No alcohol drinks or sugar drinks.
    6. Read 20 minutes.
    7. Track my progress with a weekly picture and weekly weigh-in.

    January 1st Start Weight: 224lbs
    75 day Goal Weight: 204lbs (2 lbs loss/week)
    I'm planning on staying on this challenge until I get to 195, then will evaluate.

    Lost 5.2 lbs the first two weeks, I'm wanting the pace to slow a little. (217 weigh-in next week would be great) I'm planning on having a recovery week. I'm going to eat all my calories, I'm also might walk a little slower, legs are starting to feel it. I want to add some upper body weight training as well, nothing to intense. (Maybe next week on this.)

    Overall everything is great, still a long ways to go, I have a desire to settle in, make it just part of my life, and enjoy it.

    Also, On the picture which I hate, I'm starting to see some changes.

    January 1: 224.0
    January 8: 221.4
    January 15: 218.8
    January 22:
    January 29:
    February 5:
    February 12:
    February 19:
    February 26
    March 4:
    March 11:
  • 62blackdogs
    62blackdogs Posts: 63 Member
    edited January 18
    Day 18: Days are starting to roll bye. I have treated myself with some Bagels for sandwiches. Bread is my favorite food! Enjoying it. Eating my calories. My legs feeling great got 10K steps in yesterday, starting to get the urge to jog some, going to hold off for a couple more weeks. Planning a 5K fun run/walk in 8 weeks. Speed will not be a factor. All is good.
  • 62blackdogs
    62blackdogs Posts: 63 Member
    Day 19: I ate 2300 calories, I ate all my calories and needed my 11,000 steps to make my calorie count. It was a feast day, Maybe only one of these a week. Legs are doing well.
  • 62blackdogs
    62blackdogs Posts: 63 Member
    Day 21: I'm impressed with anyone who has a full time job, children, or a life that has time demands that are not consistent that can complete this challenge. I am retired with all the time in the world and it is still challenging. I was at a NFL playoff party and had to stop eating in the first quarter. I was out of calories! Weigh in tomorrow morning, I had a goal of 217, we will see. I ate all my calories most days.
  • 62blackdogs
    62blackdogs Posts: 63 Member
    Day 22:

    Good week,
    I have averaged 8430 steps a day since I started this challenge. I would like to keep this average up. I'm wanting to maintain a 2lbs per week average loss, so this week goal is 216. Also I'm adding two more goals.

    I don't feel quite yet that I'm in a routine, would like to get to that place. Also a strong desire to get below 210. That is the first milestone.

    Goals: (21 Day still on goal)
    1A Meet daily myFitnesspal food intake goal.
    1B Eat in a 8 hour window.
    3. 7500 steps a day.
    4. Drink 80 oz of water daily.
    5. No alcohol drinks or sugar drinks.
    6. Read 20 minutes.
    7. Track my progress with a weekly picture and weekly weigh-in.

    Adding (These do not affect above goals)
    8. Spanish language training 15 min.
    9. Centering time 15 min.

    January 1: 224.0
    January 8: 221.4
    January 15: 218.8
    January 22: 217.6 (Ate my calories!)
    January 29: 216 (Goal)
    February 5: 214 (Goal)
    February 12: 212 (Goal)
    February 19: 210 (Goal)
    February 26: 208 (Goal)
    March 4: 206 (Goal)
    March 11: 204 (Goal)
  • 62blackdogs
    62blackdogs Posts: 63 Member
    edited January 24
    Day 23: Very pleasant, I did my yoga in the morning, walked to a coffee shop and did my reading. Even the water drinking went well.

    Milestone: Last night I went to a craft beer brewing place and drank water. I would have normal had a beer. First time I have done this. Was a good experience.
  • 62blackdogs
    62blackdogs Posts: 63 Member
    Day 26: All is well, good week, expecting a good weight-in.. Legs are feeling the grind. I'm glad I set a doable exercise plan. 75 day with no rest days takes its toll. I'm doing yoga every day which is really helping.
  • 62blackdogs
    62blackdogs Posts: 63 Member
    Day 29:

    Goals: (21 Day still on goal)
    1A Meet daily myFitnesspal food intake goal.
    1B Eat in a 8 hour window.
    3. 8000 steps a day. (Raised this from 7500 this week)
    4. Drink 80 oz of water daily.
    5. No alcohol drinks or sugar drinks.
    6. Read 20 minutes.
    7. Track my progress with a weekly picture and weekly weigh-in.

    Adding (These do not affect above goals)
    8. Spanish language training 15 min
    9. Centering time 15 min.

    January 1: 224.0
    January 8: 221.4 (-2.6)
    January 15: 218.8 (-2.6)
    January 22: 217.6 (-1.2)
    January 29: 216.2 (-1.4)
    February 5: 214 (Goal)
    February 12: 212 (Goal)
    February 19: 210 (Goal)
    February 26: 208 (Goal)
    March 4: 206 (Goal)
    March 11: 204 (Goal)

    Had a goal/guideline of 2lbs/week. It looks like my weight loss is slowing down, a little sooner than I expected. I'm good with the 1+ lbs/week pace. I like what I'm eating and I like my current exercise level and will stick with my current routine.
  • 62blackdogs
    62blackdogs Posts: 63 Member
    Day 30: Nice "spring day", I ate my calories, 2 glasses of water and reading left. Everything is great,