BigD4678 Member


  • Going to hold on to them. Sorry.
  • Thank you. Yes a little from time to time is okay. My Cardiologist and even the surgeons team said “everything in moderation”. It’s okay to eat pretty much anything, yes even McDonalds, as long as it’s not a daily choice for food. Eating healthier is my choice. Exercise is my choice. As long as we realize the ramifications…
  • The good news is that you don’t have to join a gym. Yes, I did, but that’s because I am starting a new life with the second chance I have been given. I will go into that in another thread. The biggest part of weight loss is simply controlling what you eat. Portion control. Get away from high sodium, sugar, and cholesterol…
  • Okay cool thanks. I am having a hard time eating all of that I get full now days since I have lost a lot of weight.
  • Okay that makes sense. I keep a close eye on the exercise. I track with Apple Watch and Apple fit. I check daily to make sure they line up. So as long as I am eating the calories it tells me to I will be okay. Thanks,