glp1curious Member


  • > and, 3rd, seeing ads from attorneys regarding injury from use. The negative effects are quite well studied at this point -- I think gastroparesis and digestive tracts are the biggest ones. In general these should only be taken after a consultation with a doctor so they SHOULD be prepping people for the possible side…
  • Hey make sure to be careful with the side effects, good luck on your weight loss journey! Have you done anything to change the food that you keep around the house/what you buy when you go shopping?
  • There was a really good post I saw recently that shifted my thinking -- you can try to think of it as managing insulin! I'm going to repost the comment here just so you can read it: Source from the quote is from a nerdy site I frequent called HackerNews: But I think that way of…
  • Wow that's amazing progress -- thanks for the tip about the large glass of water, I think that might carry to just about everyone, even those not on any GLP1s
  • Congratulations! Are you mixing in any strength training to combat the little muscle loss that happens (in all forms of rapid weight loss)?
  • Wow quite the thread here -- definitely agree with what was said so far. I think most people would agree that in the face of a pressing need for some formulations of the drug, it's unethical to compete with people who have a higher need for the drug. I'm interested to learn more about this -- Do you have a link to any of…
  • IMO one of the ways to get more comfortable with it is to read more about how they work, side effects and stuff like that! People have already posted awesome threads, but did your doc have anything to give you with stuff to read? IIRC Ozempic is one with relatively few nasty side effects. Oh and one thing that's great is…
  • Hey everyone! I'm here to learn more about how to better lose weight, and really curious about GLP1 stuff that has been in the news recently -- been doing a bunch of reading and fact finding, excited to learn from others!