nadia22f1818 Member


  • @AmunahSki thank you ☺️ I just downloaded the happy scale one after reading this!! Got a free 7 day trial :) Will check it out and I checked out on my iPhone the trend u showed me, it’s insightful since it’s been logging my weight since I’ve been logging manually 🤭
  • @kshama2001 first off congraaattsss on that 40pounds weight loss 🥳 and thank you for the recommendation of the app… I will give it a try and thank you as well @ninerbuff i will Give it a read on my lunch break 😊 for sure so much diff info depending where we read from, I do weight my food tho but the Calories & macro aren’t…
  • @kngddmbppx no problem about the @ lol took me a minute to figure how to reply 🙂 and so yes thank you for ur encouragement as well! It helps us when needed … I mean some things are maybe TMI but I took a chance on asking 😊 and I will try the prune juice for sure at this point … I’ll try anything if it works 🤗…. Have. A…
  • @PAV8888 ummmm no 😳 I’m only using this app by entering my weight myself daily? Any good ones u can suggest me pls ?
  • @lynn_glenmont exactly right ?! It’s normal and that’s why I try so much to be regular but it’s out of my hands , I’ve tried high fiber & low fiber , warm water, chia soaked , probiotics , minerals etc and unfortunately I’m only good when I take cascara with mag citrate and I reaaaalllyyyt don’t want too since it’s not…
  • @AnnPT77 thank you so much for ur info and basically all that u said :) I’m new to this and just get so mixed up and confused … some say this some say that and it’s just like wow am I doing it wrong or not and at the end I guess gotta see all options and see what works best for me and yes some make “snark” remarks and it’s…
  • @kshama2001 I just started taking chia and flax in ground form and I’m only taking 1.87 grams of each, the serving is 15 grams each I wanted to start off slow and see if would help with being regular and just checked my last weeks and I’d say I average 26-35 grams of fiber daily.. MFP had put 25, I upped to 30grams … I…
  • @sollyn23l2 yes pretty sure ur right! I was dizzy a lot and when I’d look up would spin I do have vertigo but could’ve been not eating enough so I upped it’s yesterday to 1200 calories Net Carbs 105 g Protein 90 g Fat 47 g I really don’t want to go threw what I did yesterday .. 😒
  • Thank for that also @Strudders67 I was out of control this morning and even this afternoon I had the urge to eat chips and chocolate.. I just really wanna do this right :)
  • @PAV8888 thank you for that run down :) was a dumb question and now re reading it and reading replies it all makes sense cuz ppl figure it’s small but calories r calories and they count period and do make a diff on long run.. I’ve been trying to lose weight and been stuck at same weight for 2-3 weeks I think I over…
  • Thank you sooo much for telling me about those 2 apps!! Wow didn’t know this existed so much simpler than doing a google search every time lol
  • If only u knew the headache I have with my doctor :( took 5 yrs to finally convince her to make me take test beyond blood test and finally she saw I had gastritis and didn’t advise me on how to deal or what to do or eat or anything for that matter
  • Thanks the info :) really appreciate who takes the time to reply :) I’m new to this and still getting a hold of how it works and will be trying both options! It’s a bit extra work since some fruits I can’t eat due to allergies to birch trees pollen 😖 and have a gluten and lactose intolerance lol I mean it can be worst…
  • It’s almost 100 calories off, so when I end my day it’s always saying I didn’t comply which is annoying because I mean what can I add that’s only calories also? As an example my protein is 85 grams, carbs 85grams and fats 36 grams so with the math of the 4, 4 & 9 cal for each I should be adding up and it doesn’t