Drivergran4 Member


  • I’ve the same problem, today I had done 13074 steps but mfp registered 6005. I don’t carry my phone all day, every day . I don’t particularly want to buy an expensive watch than run in sync with this site . Be good to know if there is another way.
  • I’m 74 and lost 1 stone since 1st Feb…. 7lb to get to my goal. I do on average of 10.000 steps a day. If weather amiable then try walk outside if not I have started the indoor walking . I do it in 15 min bursts . I’m also on 1200 calls a day eating protein a try stick to less carbs . I’m in average eating 1000-1100 cals a…
  • Thank you, I’ve never finally found how to read comments , only taken 3 weeks, can’t rush these things 😂 I’ve been dipping in and out of mfp since 2016 but only recently joined premier. I’ve lost a stone this time and want to shed another 7 lbs . My holiday is 4 weeks today so no doubt a few lbs will be gained but…
  • Oops mistake in my last comment . Looking to lose another 10lbs not 20 lbs 😳
    in Hi. Comment by Drivergran4 March 21