Jcook215 Member


  • Jamie 39 years old 5’6” Starting weight: 261.2 (April 7, 2024) Goal weight: Under 200 Final Goal Weight:160 4/30: 257.4 Goals for May: -Log every day -Drink more water -Eat more veggies -Walk/exercise for 15+ minutes at a time 3-4 times a week Happy May! Yesterday I had my first appointment with a dietitian and it went…
  • 39 years old 5’6” Starting weight: 261.2 (April 7, 2024) Goal weight: Under 200 Final Goal Weight:160 4/7: 261.2 4/10: 253.6 4/17: 256.6 I've been doing a surprisingly good job of hitting my macros most days. However, ever since I started watching what I eat, I have had a nagging headache pretty much constantly, or at…
  • Good morning everyone! Things are a bit rough right now. First of all, the job that I had such a promising interview for went to someone else yesterday, which really got me feeling down. I really wanted to say screw it and binge on food and/or alcohol (I rarely drink), but I managed to eat a decent dinner and just go to…
  • HI everyone, this is my first time posting under this account, but I am no stranger to MFP. I'm back yet again after spending my entire adult life with my weight yo-yoing. I reached my highest weight ever this year at 261 lbs. I'm doing this again with some trepidation because I have dealt with disordered eating since I…