Women 200lb+, Let's Apply Ourselves This April!!!



  • Jcook215
    Jcook215 Posts: 4 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Things are a bit rough right now. First of all, the job that I had such a promising interview for went to someone else yesterday, which really got me feeling down. I really wanted to say screw it and binge on food and/or alcohol (I rarely drink), but I managed to eat a decent dinner and just go to bed early last night. I'm still feeling disheartened this morning but I'm trying to just put one foot in front of the other.

    The other thing is when I weighed myself this morning. I like to weigh most days just to see the fluctuation but I don't stress over gaining a little bit. Yesterday I was at 252.8. Today? 259. How does one's weight increase six pounds overnight? This was not only disheartening but confusing too.

    I'm hoping this weekend improves as it goes on and that you all have a good weekend as well.
  • jennbeth1
    jennbeth1 Posts: 13 Member
    Jcook215 wrote: »
    Good morning everyone!

    Things are a bit rough right now. First of all, the job that I had such a promising interview for went to someone else yesterday, which really got me feeling down. I really wanted to say screw it and binge on food and/or alcohol (I rarely drink), but I managed to eat a decent dinner and just go to bed early last night. I'm still feeling disheartened this morning but I'm trying to just put one foot in front of the other.

    The other thing is when I weighed myself this morning. I like to weigh most days just to see the fluctuation but I don't stress over gaining a little bit. Yesterday I was at 252.8. Today? 259. How does one's weight increase six pounds overnight? This was not only disheartening but confusing too.

    I'm hoping this weekend improves as it goes on and that you all have a good weekend as well.

    I'm so sorry you're going through that! If it helps at all, I've totally had 5 lb fluctuations from day to day. Not all the time, but more than once. It's why I don't weigh in more than once a week now. Water, stress, time of day, all that can make a difference.
  • jennbeth1
    jennbeth1 Posts: 13 Member
    This week was a bit harder than last week. I'm still figuring out how to log certain things, and how to cut back on Hello Fresh servings, but there's still progress.

    April 6: 258.4
    April 13: 256.8

    This week I'm going to be more conservative in guessing when I need to.
  • itladyee
    itladyee Posts: 4,869 Member
    I'm Charissa
    63 years young
    [Stats & Goals]
    Starting Weight: 223.6 January / 0
    Starting Weight: 215.0 February / 8.6
    Starting Weight: 215.4 March / 8.2
    Starting Weight: 219.2 April / 3.8 ( as of 3/28/2024)
    Total Loss = 4.4

    Goals for 2024 > Trend downwards. My ultimate goal weight is between 140 - 150. While I'd like to lose about 5lbs a month, I'm focusing instead on actions that could/should result in that loss.
    2nd Quarter Goals
    - Exercise - 6x a week ~ changed worked out (ST 2 days per week per body part), Added HIIT
    - Water - working towards 80 to 100 ounces daily ~focusing on hitting 64 for 2 days and 80 for 1 day, then continually increase each week.
    - Better Nutrition *Work in Process * Planned the entire month of March dinners using skinnytaste.com.
    - Less Alcohol * Work in process. Struggling here as I just want my wine or whine🙂
    - January ✔️ February ✔️ March ❌
    - Get back to 10,000 steps a day (minimum) ~ the HIIT workout (on treadmill) is helping with steps.
    - Target 10 times for April.
    My Mantra:

    🏋🏾‍♀️ Don't think, just do it!!
    Eat well 🥗to Live Well 🚢✈️🧳
    H2O - Make it Flow 💦💦💦

    4/6 219.8
    4/13 218.6

    Mini Goal - want to see 213 by 3/30!!! Yes! Try again...6.2 lbs by 4/30/2024

    @Jcook215 ~ sorry the job didn't work out for you. Very disappointing I'm sure. Sometimes the scale just holds on to "stuff"... hang in there!
  • winterlily611
    winterlily611 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello. I'm new here, I've struggled with my weight since my first pregnancy in 1985. I'm at an all time high for me, 281lbs. I'm hoping for accountability and understanding as I start this hard long journey.
  • TonyaL1783
    TonyaL1783 Posts: 14 Member
    Hello everyone! I have been wanting and half heartedly trying to lose weight for years. It’s time for me to get serious. I am at an all time high (weighed in at 244lbs at the ER on Saturday night). I went in for shortness of breath and a bad upper respiratory infection. My labs weren’t overly terrible - my sugar was slightly high and my iron was slightly low.

    I just feel like this was my wake up call - it is time for me to take my physical health seriously. I know my weight is exacerbating these health concerns, and putting me at risk for a lot worse things. I have a loving husband and three amazing kids, and I want to live a full, healthy, energetic life for them and for myself.

    I’m looking for any accountability help, motivation, and guidance on this journey! I feel like I know exactly what I need to do, I just haven’t been able to get myself to do it consistently.
  • skintight303
    skintight303 Posts: 53 Member
    42 years old
    Re-Starting Weight (10/23) 208lbs
    April SW:179.3
    April GW: 171.3
    UGW 160 and I'll reassess.

    April Goals:
    * 30 Day plank challenge (putting this up top-3rd time is the charm, right )
    * Missed 2 days--I have honesty just forgotten on these days. I've now set an alarm for the evening so I will remember this SMALL 2-3 minute commitment
    * Log my calories EVERYDAY
    * Much better this week! I did miss yesterday, but was all in-line, just not online.
    * Climb to the 25th floor at work 3 times daily
    * Check
    * 15K steps/day AVERAGE for the month
    * YES! Average was 18,104
    * I also got in two long runs and 2 bike commutes!

    4/1: 179.3
    4/8: 177.8
    4/15: 175.6

    I have been pushing my body HARD. I'll be honest--the weight is REALLY fluctuating. I will see everything from 174.5-178 depending on the day/morning. Trying to keep my mindset strong and putting one foot in front of the other--literally.
  • girlinkaz744
    girlinkaz744 Posts: 35 Member
    34 years old
    Starting weight: 222 (Feb, 21)
    Lowest weight: 154 (Sep, 21)
    Re-starting weight: 195 (Feb, 23)
    Goal weight: 165-168

    April 1: 176.2
    April 7: 175.6
    April 16: 173.2
    April 22:
    April 29:

    Woohoo! I was away from home for almost 10 days and didn’t log anything and still ended up with a major loss! I was pretty strict about what I ate, though, because I didn’t want to stop making progress. It’s nice to have a pleasant surprise in the loss category instead of the other way.. I am starting to think I might be able to hope to see the 160’s by the end of the month!!

    To all those who are just starting out, you can do this!! We can change our lives by making small choices every day over a long period of time!
  • rhododendron33
    rhododendron33 Posts: 64 Member
    edited April 16
    Hi there everyone, mid-month but I'm here!

    25, 5'6
    Starting Weight- About 260 (no clue on the date)
    Lowest Weight- 212 (August 2020)
    Restarting Weight- 243 (January 15th-ish 2024)
    Current Weight- 233.1 (this morning)
    Goal Weight- 170 then reassess

    I'm slowly but surely losing and I feel pretty good about it. I bought my first yoga mat and a small set of 3 lb weights tonight. I only exercised for about 15 minutes this evening but it's some kind of movement so I'm proud of myself!

    I'm mostly focusing on my eating right now. I wasn't counting calories for a while (just eating less ultra processed things and in smaller portions) but I think I'm going to go back to it because it just works. I'm hoping to get to under 200lbs this year and I'm working my butt off to make it happen.

    I think the biggest realization I've had recently is that food can't control my life anymore or be my biggest tool for handling my emotions. That has been my biggest hurdle to my happiness and has greatly limited me for so, so long. I'm starting therapy this week and I really see it being beneficial to my mental health and my physical health too as I learn and develop new coping mechanisms and work through my emotions.

    Onwards and upwards. I don't know if I've ever felt this much fire to do it for me. Not for anyone else. Me. I deserve to be happy. I deserve to be healthy. And you deserve those things for yourself too!!! We've got this, friends. <3
  • kiteflyer105
    kiteflyer105 Posts: 161 Member
    Hi. I am currently working on weight stabilization and not loss. I am learning self-compassion this week and started a self-compassion journal. I watch Yoga Nidra videos and Binge Eating Disorder videos. I am starting to develop momentum, which feels good. I don't binge as much. Plus, I am in a better place mentally. I have a good support network. At the end of the day, I need to be accountable to myself. I am gaining traction, although I am human and not perfect. Keep on everyone.
  • sharon81
    sharon81 Posts: 83 Member
    edited April 17
    FINALLY!!!! The scale has shown 180.4 which is only .2 up from lowest... So close to 170's. Can't wait. This was just the boost I needed. :)
    @kiteflyer105 I am so happy for you and excited to hear about your journey! Thank you for sharing.
    @rhododendron33 Welcome! Can't wait to hear more and to share in your successes and also to add support in the not so good times.
    @girlinkaz744 Congrats on your progress! I hope to join you and @skintight303 soon! Speaking of which, "Skin" you are killing it and you are a huge inspiration to me specifically! Thank you for sharing!
    @TonyaL1783, @winterlily611 Welcome! Can't wait to hear more. You are not alone!
    @itladyee Nice loss! Keep up the good work, whatever you are doing is working!!
    @jennbeth1 Loss is loss, you're doing great!! Can't wait to see more!
    @Jcook215 Bodies are sooooo weird, Like I understand the science blah blah blah... but it still doesn't make sense, right?! Gains "should" be gains and Losses "should" be losses. However, it is comforting when I have a spike like that to know that it's basically impossible to actually gain that many lbs overnight. 🙄🙄 Sorry about the job... I will pray you find just the right position for you! 🙏
  • sarahfg82
    sarahfg82 Posts: 6 Member
    I’m back to it slowly ….
    Gained a few pounds during this ear virus with minimal movement ( vertigo makes movement fun lmao)

    Cw 175 lbs

    my goals are just to keep moving keeping it simple while I recover
    Being more mindful of the things I’m eating lately ~ I swear sometimes this is super hard with others in the house, no more excuses I got this!
  • Jcook215
    Jcook215 Posts: 4 Member
    39 years old
    Starting weight: 261.2 (April 7, 2024)
    Goal weight: Under 200
    Final Goal Weight:160

    4/7: 261.2
    4/10: 253.6
    4/17: 256.6

    I've been doing a surprisingly good job of hitting my macros most days. However, ever since I started watching what I eat, I have had a nagging headache pretty much constantly, or at least from late morning on everyday. I'm not sure if my body is craving sugar or what. I broke down last night and had a can of Pepsi (a go-to headache remedy for me) and it just tasted overly sweet and kind of gross.

    I've been drinking significantly more water almost every day. It really helps me to have a routine. It's easy during the week - I sit at my desk during work with my 40 oz. tumbler of water and just slurp it down whenever I feel bored, thirsty... really anything. I need to figure out how to incorporate enough of a routine into my weekends to keep this up.

    Today I have a session with my psychiatrist. I have been talking to him monthly for nearly 13 years. I'm looking forward to today's session because I really need to talk out my dissatisfaction with work and the disappointment in not getting that job. I will also talk about my weight and health and diet. He knows I've struggled with weight issues my entire adult life and is always encouraging no matter where my mindset is.
  • kiteflyer105
    kiteflyer105 Posts: 161 Member
    For you consistent scale watchers, 2 nutritionists have said to me it is normal to go up 5 lbs. in a day. That happened to my nutritionist when she ate normally. See, it happens to all of us. No need to freak out. Be consistent and it will go back down, unless you are weight lifting.

    Sharon81-Great job. We will root you on.

    Jcook215-I am sorry that happened to you. Maybe it was a blessing? You never know what is going to happen around the corner. Your worth as a person has no commonality in your ability to get that job. You still have worth and value. Good luck figuring out what will work best for you.

    Going from bingeing and restricting
    To eating 6 meals a day
    To intuitive eating

  • sharon81
    sharon81 Posts: 83 Member
    edited April 18
    42 years old
    SW&HW (10/2022) 230lbs
    Jan 1 Starting weight: 193.0 lbs
    April 1 SW: 183.2
    CW 2/29: 180.4lbs
    GW 155
    LW 180.2
    Weigh in day is Thursday.
    Total loss to date for 2024 - 12.6lbs
    Total loss to date overall - 49.6lbs
    May 2nd GW: 179.0 lbs

    Weigh in on Thursdays 😉
    April 4:DNW
    April 11:182.4
    April 18: 180.4 - I suppose I won't shake a stick at losing 2 lbs since last week. I just hope this means that my inconsistent up and down is over and we'll see downward for a while.
    April 25:
    May 2:

    April Goals:
    🌸Log 6/7 days ❌
    🌸Exercise in some capacity 3/7 days ✅
    🌸Get off the sugar ✅ - Very little sugar compared to my old normal or normal during and before Easter. A little chocolate here and there. Sunday was a little problem as I had donuts and homemade PeanutButter cookies in the house, but I ate some so that I was not restricting and then said I was done with them and did not go back to them, and there are still cookies in the house... That's a huge victory for me. Mostly because I feel like I had enough to suffice, and I don't feel the need to have more right now.
  • kristinwoods919
    kristinwoods919 Posts: 71 Member
    April 5- 223.8
    April 12 -222.8
    April 19 - 221.7

    Its very slow going this month. But still a loss every week.
  • lisakatz2
    lisakatz2 Posts: 506 Member
    May I join this club even though I am no longer 200 plus pounds?

    Starting weight (3/20): 203
    Weight today (4/19): 195.5

    My goal is to get down to 120. I've been losing a pound a week thus far, which is perfectly on point. I will weigh 160 by New Year's if I lose at this rate. I pray I don't hit any plateaus but I'm ready to face them if necessary.
  • krabuck
    krabuck Posts: 42 Member
    42 years old, 5’10
    Snack queen
    Friday weigh in days
    Heaviest weight : 269 in January
    Starting weight: 264.8 last week or so

    April goals:
    Log every day
    Get through 3 weeks of C25K

    April 12: ugh
    April 19: 261.4
    April 26:

    Ok so I started off struggling and was very inconsistent the first two weeks of April... somehow I found my way this week and am doing well. Tracked everything all week, and I'm on day 5 of C25K... I did this running program before maybe 12 years ago and I don't remember it being so tough!! But I am 12 years older and probably 30ish lbs heavier. But it's ok! I'm doing it!

    Congrats to everyone else charging through this month and reaching your goals! You're doing great!! And it's honestly so motivating.
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,651 Member

    SW 11/22 - 238.2
    Current weight: 229.2
    April goal weight - 224

    4/1: 229.2
    4/8: 228.3
    4/15: 228.1

    I’m late reporting this but am still here and trying. I use a scale app so I could go back and check my Monday weight. Slow going, but going down 😊
  • KeriA
    KeriA Posts: 3,321 Member
    Hello all,

    I used to come on these monthly threads and they were very helpful to me. Thanks @RavenStCloud. Since going back to work full-time I haven't been on MFP or this thread. I really struggle when I work full-time. I was laid off during the Pandemic, got a great limited duration job and when that ended lost some weight until I got a permanent job again.

    I came on here today to see if I saw any old friends and how they were doing and because I just gave notice at work that I will be retiring early next month and anticipate joining the May thread. My 1st goal is to get stronger and make healthy foods at home. My health is going to come to the front burner again.

    Hope you all finish the month strong. I have been telling myself I want to finish my job strong but getting on MFP makes me realize I need to start now as much as I can and get a head start to getting fit and not wait until May.