Lyss983 Member


  • @lauren_989 Thanks for asking! Good going in the expansion so far! Today was a day without a plan plan, but still went well. I need to take some time tomorrow and pre-track my week, since that does the most to keep me on track!
  • Even though much videogaming was done today, I still stayed on track and did a low impact HIIT workout! Grocery list planning and shopping tomorrow!
  • Vacation reached! Did a short quick workout between finishing up tasks. @lauren_989 Not really going anywhere! I play Final Fantasy 14 and there's new content coming out tomorrow, so that will be where I'm spending most of my time.
  • I didn't get my workout in today because I spent more time than planned at my sitting desk. The silver lining is as of tomorrow at 5:00 PM, I'm on vacation!
  • I'm glad I planned this week's workout/rest days in advance! Only clocked in about 2000 steps, but used my standing desk for about four hours of meetings.
  • Previous Weight: 172.6 lbs Current Weight: 172.6 lbs Well, I was on maintenance calories last week, and I guess my body got the memo! My lunch this week is a little lighter (kind of a snack box given a weird meetings week), so I'll keep an eye out to make sure I'm feeling satiated overall.
  • Happy Sunday! I spent time today meal prepping my lunches for the week. Tomorrow I will go back to my standard calorie deficit. I'm interested to see what my weigh-in looks like tomorrow morning!
  • Happy Saturday! Much needed rest day today. Treated myself to a Theragun, hopefully that helps my aching hamstrings! :smiley:
  • Achy from yesterday's workout, but did another Sydney Cummings one, this one arms and core. Luckily, it's my legs that feel like lead and tomorrow is a rest day :smiley:
  • Counting down the days until my staycation. Did a Sydney Cummings Houdyshell workout for the first time. Depending on how I feel tomorrow, I may go for heavier weights next time!
  • Happy Wednesday! Still staying on track - looking forward to a staycation at the end of next week!
  • Rest day today, and stayed in to cope with the crazy heat! Stay cool and hydrate, everyone!
  • Previous Weight: 174.2 lbs Current Weight: 172.6 lbs This week, I'll be tracking while in maintenance mode/a smaller deficit than usual. We're getting a heatwave here this week, so the timing was pretty good. I'm now scheduling in advance when I'll be taking these kinds of deficit breaks to help me remember to do them!
  • Busy day today! But workout was done, lunches (and meatballs) were prepped, and I'm as ready as I'll ever be to greet Monday!
  • Happy Saturday! Tried out a "make your own workout" app and seemed to go well, so I'll try it again tomorrow. Also got a set of resistance bands in, looking forward to adding those into the workout rotation!
  • Made it to the end of the week! After being really hungry last night, I decided I'm going to take a week or so in maintenance mode to let my body take a break from my deficit. Still going to be tracking and weighing, just a bit of a rest so I stay on track in the long run.
  • Today was an intentional rest day, with my plan in place for tomorrow... so long as I don't change my mind on what I want to do! :smiley: I need to play some catch up reading posts, but alas, off to bed with me!
  • Today was a fun workout day - took three tries to find one I wanted to do. Ended up with a Get Fit With Rick YouTube video doing tabata-style. Worth finding!
  • Today was one of those days where I'm glued to my computer for the duration. Stayed on track and have tomorrow's workout already figured out. But haven't picked a dinner option for tomorrow yet, so will have to do that before I hit the hay in... 20 minutes :smiley:
  • Previous Weight: 174.8 lbs Current Weight: 174.4 lbs Scale is still moving down! Got in a workout, drank my water and stayed on track! Here's to another good week :smile:
  • Lunches prepped for the week, still need to make my protein nice cream tomorrow. Ready as I'll ever be to weigh in tomorrow morning!
  • Groceries bought, not much to prep this week, just the chicken and potatoes for my lunches! Breakfast: English muffin with peanut butter Lunch: chicken, potatoes and some veggie, with strawberries on the side Dinners: some combinations of bread-type thing or pasta-type thing with chicken/turkey, different daily Snacks:…
  • Another solid day here - stayed on track and did my workout. Now my arms feel like lead :smiley: Tomorrow morning, I'll do our weekly meal plan, then off to the grocery store we'll go!
  • Kind of busy day today, but managed to squeeze in some Fitness Boxing 2 on the Switch. Tried the No Mercy setting that ended up being 12 minutes long. Will probably try to do two back to back tomorrow!
  • Today's one of those days I'm happy to be on the other side of. Ended up with an unexpected hurdle at the beginning of my day, which kind of threw the whole morning off. My original plan was to get some chicken in the crockpot to do BBQ wraps for dinner. Except I didn't get to the crockpot until too late. Some choice words…
  • Quick post tonight - stayed on track with what I had pre-tracked, did my meetings using my stand-up desk, and got some (but not as many as I'd like) steps. Workout was a rest day today, but my new headbands came in that I wear during my workouts!
  • 6/3/24 Previous Weight:175.2 lbs Current Weight: 174.8 lbs Got 5000 steps for the Stridekick challenge I'm participating in and did a power yoga video from Adriene on YouTube (achy hips needed it!). Monday-Friday lunch this week (yum)
  • Giving myself a pat on the back tonight. I had zero motivation to do anything this morning, but I did do my workout, as well as meal prep my lunches for this week. Future me will appreciate it! :smiley:
  • :) Thanks for the warm welcome! Happy to be here!