HopeFreedom Member


  • Welcome! And hi from the UK. I'm looking to lose and keep off the 30+ I lost last year.
    in Hello! Comment by HopeFreedom July 3
  • Welcome back. I believe in you!
  • Welcome! I'm tracking calories on another app. I have started with PT/coach to help me get a stronger body and better discipline by practicing new habits. This time the weight is coming off steadily and for good. Only making changes I am planning to keep.
  • Single mum to 1 little boy here. I too am focusing on sustainable changes because I don't want to keep losing then gaining and losing again!
  • Hi Paula Welcome back and good luck!
    in Hello Comment by HopeFreedom July 3
  • Hi Nicky Thanks for your honesty. I have been free from drugs including alcohol for over 2.5yrs now. I used to abuse them to help me manage my appetite and weight as well as my emotions. They really harmed me and others over time though and eventually lost any benefits. I am still learning and facing the challenges around…
  • Hi You have done it before so that shows that you could do it again. Sorry to hear about your illnesses. Similarly, I lost 30lbs and have put it steadily back on. Sometimes think I am sabotaging myself. I am starting again and looking now for sustainability. I really want to lose it for good this time so I'm changing my…
  • Hi Kelli, Mental health (and the meds) are 2 of my barriers too. I feel much steadier on the medication so it's not an option to come off them for now. When I take them in the evening, though, I feel stoned and can eat 1000s of calories in a blur.. it really is like getting the munchies. I'm single mum to 1 little boy so…