4rnvqs5dwd Member


  • Hello everyone. Well….. day 8 of my 100 push up and sit up challenge. Definitely not taking as long and muscles don’t ache as much but still not close to either exercise straight through. I haven’t weighed myself but my pants and shirts are definitely looser. My wife tells me that my tummy is not sticking out like it was.…
  • Almost 3 weeks since my last post. Pools are closed but I I’ve been doing a 30 minute cardio and strength workout. Down 10 lbs in that time. I’ve also started something crazy 2 days ago. 100 pushups and 100 sit-ups a day for 30 days. Today is day 3 and I’m sooooooo sore in the tummy and the boobies. Hopefully by day 30…
  • Hello everyone. Gonna chime in myself. I have about 100 more lbs left. It’s hard to exercise but I found that swimming is a great way to get it done. Been going all summer. And let me tell you. It’s working. I’m not dropping lbs as fast as I’d like to but my muscle tone has drastically increased and my tummy is flattering…