nicolletteleroux Member


  • Hi Ann. Thank you for your comment. I am averaging between 1400-1600 calories a day now. Exercising with weights 5-6 days a week and walking 10 000 plus steps a day. I have gained 4lbs in the last week. But I did have salty food on the weekend, which I’m sure factors in. I am still seeing improvement in the way I look,…
  • Great advice!!! Thank you!! I have added weight training and I am going to stick with it. Will 1500 calories be good then? And I am eating more protein!
  • I want to look and feel better. I have never weighed more than 105-109, except when I was pregnant and when I quit smoking. Now I am 112 and flabby. If I look good, I won’t mind weighing 112. If that makes sense.
  • Oh yes, my average calories I consume in a day is around 1400-1700. Then I feel good.
  • Thank you all for for the comments!! It means a lot. I have not lost any weight on the scale, I am staying constant. But I have definitely seen changes in appearance. More toned, definitely. So it is helping. It’s just the 1200 that’s impossible. I mean, I can do it, but I really don’t want to. I feel like I would become…