

  • I know how you feel, I have no body to stay with my kids after they go to bed so I cant go to the gym. I just started running with them (they are 5 & 3 so in a jogging stroller - got it for $50 on craigslist) I have a friend of mine with older kids 9 & 7, they ride their bikes while she runs. and on non run days we do yoga…
  • I use my slow cooker and my pressure cooker a lot. I usually use my crock pot 3-4x's a week and my pressure cooker 1-2x's. I am out of the house ar 630a and dont usually get home till 6ish, then we have home work, baths and have to be in bed by 8. My weekend are jammed packed so I dont have a lot of time to cook ahead.…
  • I almost always "gain" 3-5 pounds during this week, but then the next week I may be down more then usual. I usually end up loosing about 1 pound or so. If you only weigh 1 x per month, change your weigh in week. I weigh everyday and since i do I know that I will go up and down during this week. Drinking more water helps,…
  • Onion and cheese sandwich. I grew up eating these at my grandmothers. Bunny white bread, kraft singles and a slice of onion (usually a sweet one). My husband thinks it is nasty so I eat them when he is at the fire station. Also when I am making something with cheese and onions (like tacos or burgers) I always eat peices of…
  • I just went to the Dr today for my 30 day check in (i am doing a dr supervised plan). I told him that for the past 2 weeks I was having really bad headaches, they usually come on about 2pm. I live in south louisiana and all the flowers and trees are in full bloom so the pollen is thick, and I have had a very stressfull…
  • If you like to cook check out Holly Clegg cookbooks. She is from Baton Rouge and her books are southern favorites done in a healthier way. I use the Gulf Coast Favorites cook book most nights of the week.
  • I tried it for a little while, I am lazy when it comes to taking stuff so I always forget. I did notice an increase in energy for my work outs that helped get me all the way thru them without slacking. But if you take them to late in the day you will not sleep at night. So yea I thougt they were ok.
  • I know the feeling. The kids Easter candy was calling my name when I got home and I ended up almost 700 cal over for the day. Now I feel gross and I just wanna go to bed. Next time I will think twice before I hit the candy bag. I am mad at myself for eating that much but at the sametime I know those kind of benges will be…
  • I have the first 2 and i use the 200 under 200 the most.
  • Sounds like fun. We got the Just Dance game for the Wii a little while ago and we have dance parties at our house every weekend. It is myself and 3 of my friends, our daughters are all between the ages of 2 and 5 and they dance will us. It is quite a site to see the 4 of us plus 5 little ones dancing our butts off.
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