mdns21935 Member


  • If you are having these type of symptoms consistently, this is not the place to ask for advice. You need to seek for advice from a medical professional that can make sure all of your blood sugars and other stats are in line. It’s always great to get advice and feedback, but unless somebody in this forum is medically,…
  • I know everyone is on the fasting frenzy craze right now. But you have to remember the longer you make your body go without food, the more your body kicks in into starvation mode. It is more beneficial to your body to eat smaller meals, more frequently throughout the day so that you keep the sustainability going. Making…
  • Meal prep, meal prep, meal prep! Try to find high protein, low-fat food as that will keep you full longer. Skinless boneless chicken breast, for example. That can be used for salads, tacos, all kinds of things. Also, maybe try protein drinks. You can always incorporate fresh banana or other fruits and vegetables to help.…
    in Help Comment by mdns21935 January 28
  • Make sure you are consuming 1200 cal or less per day. You have to remember that you have to reduce your current calorie intake by 3500 per week in order to lose 1 pound per week. And it’s not just your caloric intake. It is your fats, cholesterol, sugar, salts, etc. Sugar is the number one evil in our diet and it’s hidden…