

  • There was a time when I was dealing with insomnia, but I was having difficulty finding something that worked. I went through the insurance company's entire formulary and another one that wasn't on it. Turned out the best thing for me is the Kirkland Sleep Aid from Costco, when it's necessary. Eventually, I'd like to reduce…
  • In high school, I used to stay home from school one day a month, the cramps were so bad. It was extreme. For some of us, really, the only thing to do is curl up in a ball and try to sleep it off. If you're that bad off, that's what I'd do. Somewhere along the way, I lost the cramps, but I don't recall when that was.…
  • I rarely drink. I don't like the feeling of being inebriated, so it's only a little when I do.
  • When I was eating vegan, I was eating lots of veggies, lots of beans, and whole grain bread. That should have been healthy. It wasn't for me, though.
  • I'm replacing the carbs I take out with fat, so this shouldn't be an issue.
  • I've studied the Paleo diet. I actually think you could do Groves' diet in Paleo style and do fine. Doing it Paleo in this case would mean doing without the dairy and getting the carbs from veggies. Groves recommends 50 - 60 grams carb, so that would be a lot of veggies. Groves recommends veggies, too. It would work the…
  • If you're tracking AND hitting your goals AND you're still not losing weight, you may need to make some adjustments. Try changing the macronutrient balance and see if that helps you. For instance, I'm following a low-carb high-fat plan because I've found that too many carbs tend to make me gain weight. So far, so good.…
  • I suggest adding carbs gradually until you find the point where you gain weight. Then cut back a bit. Different people respond to carbs differently. You need to find your own threshold.