When it's that time of month.. (WOMEN ONLY)



  • shockrina
    Suck it up, cupcake.

    This isn't the best topic, you can get mixed reviews. mostly rude like this one above ^^^^^^^^^ :)

    however; for someone like me who is a bit more human, I've always had highly irregular periods, and just because it's something we "should" be used to, it's not. as a result of my weight-loss and healthier lifestyle my periods are a lot more regular, and my symptoms are next to nothing except minor pain in the beginning.

    but if my flow is heavy or in your case you are just really sick, I say just don't exercise. not exercising isn't a big deal. take that time off for a few days, drink plenty water, and watch what you eat. being on your period doesn't have to be a horrible thing for your eating habits to get all off track.

    some people are amazonian warriors or relatives of them, and they'll be rude about sucking it up, just rest, lol

    Amen to that! I think those who have never had bad cramps just don't understand how bad it could be. Right now I feel I could jump on my elliptical and do my hour workout because I've been sitting still but first thing in the morning that's a major no.
  • suzieb1971
    suzieb1971 Posts: 312 Member
    exercise really helps me at that time of month. it makes the cramps much less noticeable, and i just feel better.
  • mindhorizon
    In high school, I used to stay home from school one day a month, the cramps were so bad. It was extreme. For some of us, really, the only thing to do is curl up in a ball and try to sleep it off. If you're that bad off, that's what I'd do. Somewhere along the way, I lost the cramps, but I don't recall when that was. Childbirth might have had something to do with it. That one suggestion about taking the pill might be worth looking into. So do go see your gynecologist. She has ways of helping you with this issue.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    I have bad cramps,but you know what after 20 + years of having my pierod you do have to just suck it up.I mean what are you going to do skip work for a week every month,if you have kids lock them in their room for a week....lol
    life does not stop because we have are pierods you just nee to learn to work through it.

    and jagermeister helps
  • shockrina
    Suck it up, cupcake.

    This isn't the best topic, you can get mixed reviews. mostly rude like this one above ^^^^^^^^^ :)

    It's not rude. We're how old? How long as we been bleeding every month? And we STILL need to cry about it? REALLY? It'll be over in a week. Suck it up.

    If it's honestly that freakin bad, go to a doctor. Get on birth control to help lighten your period.

    I wasn't getting on here to whine about it. Apparently, you are one of the few who are lucky enough to not have cramps. Good for you! My mom is the same.

    I posted this topic to ask those who do have major cramps on their period what they do when it comes to doing exercising at their TOM. But thanks for feeling the need to comment even if it's not nice or helpful.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I did do a search.. main thing I saw was how much you gain during ..nothing about cramps. *shrug*
    Really? Nothing?
    Nookie...I know for a fact, cramps have been discussed before. This is my solution.
  • Jelleebean
    Jelleebean Posts: 212

    shots, or straight to the vag?

    yes :drinker:
  • shockrina
    I did do a search.. main thing I saw was how much you gain during ..nothing about cramps. *shrug*
    Really? Nothing?
    Nookie...I know for a fact, cramps have been discussed before. This is my solution.

    Ok.. did find something but not much was posted: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/297694-ladies-only-cramps-and-exercise?hl=period+cramps#posts-3937855

    Just didn't search the right words maybe?? :)
  • countrydarling1
    countrydarling1 Posts: 386 Member
    Every month I take 2 - 3 days off. Well.. last month I tried working out on the 2nd day, and that did not go well, I won't do it again. It seems like peeps who don't have hardcore puking periods don't really believe that it's that much of a problem.. so I tend not to tell people but I do as little as possible.

    I agree!! I dont think they have experianced a bad period or cramp. Ive had cramps worse than some of my labor contractions.
  • yummy♥
    yummy♥ Posts: 612 Member
    I did do a search.. main thing I saw was how much you gain during ..nothing about cramps. *shrug*
    Really? Nothing?
    Nookie...I know for a fact, cramps have been discussed before. This is my solution.

    true. orgasm is a wonderful cure. and if it doesn't work, no harm done!

    ps. try it in the shower to reduce potential mess.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    I feel like you should be able to tell if you're literally not well enough to do an activity, AND adult enough to make your own decision about if you want to do an activity. You've had periods before, yes? What did you do those times? Take that and apply it to exercise.

    *I should clarify that I'm not making a blanket statement about sucking it up, but suggesting that maybe you know what you feel up to best and you can decide to exercise or not during your period. Some people in your situation may still suck it up, but it's not going to hurt you to skip it once a month if you're really not up to it.
  • Thamantha
    Thamantha Posts: 102 Member
    Do you ever feel so bad that you can't do your normal workout sessions?

    Just trying to decide if I feel up to working out tonight. I know people says it helps with the cramps but I sometimes feel fine during then worst after I'm done.

    What do you do?

    My period pains are very severe for the first day or so. I have tried the pill and I have spoken to my doctor, but to no avail. I usually curl up and will myself into unconsciousness, with as many hot water bottles as i can find. If i have to work, then i will work through it. However everything else is put on hold. I don't exercise on those days at all. I concentrate on feeling better.
    Forcing myself to exercise when i am unwell would not be productive, and would likely put me off exercise.
    I am hoping that weight loss and regular exercise will help make it manageable, but until then... well, i feel your pain.
  • paintitblack
    On the wall of the girl's changing room at my high school they had a sign that said, "Period pain is not an excuse for not doing P.E. You'll be getting cramps for the next 40 years so get used to it."

    If I could do tricks on a trampoline, run around muddy fields and attempt handstands in gym whilst wanting to rip my ovaries out in pain I'm sure you can too!
  • sarahwright01
    sarahwright01 Posts: 229 Member
    I try to at least go for a walk. I have to FORCE myself some days though. Somedays I Can't do my zumba classes because all of the jumping around is just too much, so I walk. And I Certainly can't swim or Bike ride...too much flow and sensitivity Whether I walk on a treadmill at the gym or outside. Either way...BUT if you are feeling so badly, then just eat really good and get lots of rest. i always get a migraine on the first or second day of mine. (had one today in fact)...I was so glad that i only had a 4.5 hour shift today and then I have biblestudy meeting tonight. My excuse for not working out! haha!

    Hang in there though. I have found, that when I am eating really well during TOM and when I do exercise I feel so much better about myself and I don't have to pull out my Fat pants.....
  • darlilama
    darlilama Posts: 794 Member
    I have been blessed to not have had terrible cramps... but I had a roommate in college who did. She had migraines, extraordinary breast tenderness, extreme fatigue, cramps from he**... the whole sha-bang. If I hadn't seen it for myself, I'm not sure I would totally believe someone, either. You know you better than anyone else. You know if you're using it to rationalize not doing something you should, or whether you should not be doing it... or maybe just doing less than usual. Trust yourself. :flowerforyou:
  • shockrina
    Do you ever feel so bad that you can't do your normal workout sessions?

    Just trying to decide if I feel up to working out tonight. I know people says it helps with the cramps but I sometimes feel fine during then worst after I'm done.

    What do you do?

    My period pains are very severe for the first day or so. I have tried the pill and I have spoken to my doctor, but to no avail. I usually curl up and will myself into unconsciousness, with as many hot water bottles as i can find. If i have to work, then i will work through it. However everything else is put on hold. I don't exercise on those days at all. I concentrate on feeling better.
    Forcing myself to exercise when i am unwell would not be productive, and would likely put me off exercise.
    I am hoping that weight loss and regular exercise will help make it manageable, but until then... well, i feel your pain.

    I've been on pills to and it hasn't worked either. Sucks sometimes being a woman!
  • MamaKatel
    MamaKatel Posts: 180
    I've had cramps worse than what my labor was like! No joke! I also throw up too. up to 800 mg. of IBUPROFEN will help me feel only half as bad.
  • Delicate
    Delicate Posts: 625 Member
    Beat mother nature into submission, and go forward with your workout!

    I barely miss a work out due to my period.

    Plus there is painkillers
  • colorfulcupcakes
    colorfulcupcakes Posts: 122 Member
    In answer some of the peeps who suggested going to the doctor, I did, and here's what happened.

    First she suggested going on the pill, which I won't do, for personal reasons (no, I'm not religious and I don't have any kids). She did an ultrasound, she found nothing, but that doesn't rule out endometriosis. She finally just suggested that I take 4 advil and 2 tylenol at once, every 6 hours, as needed, not exceeding something or other, I forget now.

    OK, so I did that for awhile and there was less pain but I was still incapacitated because I was totally drugged out. And all that advil then caused my tinnitus to get way worse so I wanted to quit doing the advil.

    I read Dr. Lee's book, "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Pre-menopause" because I heard someone talking on the radio about the symptoms of being "estrogen dominant". So I read the book and got myself some progesterone cream (this is over the counter because it's natural, not synthetic like estrogen, so it can't be patented) and WOW what a difference! I still get some doozies once in a while, especially if I forget to use the cream, but it's way better now.

    And I think that my weightloss/better nutrition/quit caffeine altogether has also helped.