Dacia24 Member


  • You're funny
  • I think mine is.
  • I have just been told that I also have the same thing going on. It is SUPER important that you get checked out like your Dr. says. Your thyroid controls your whole body and if it is not maintained correctly you can put your body into some serious risks. I had to find out that out the hard way when I was sent to the…
  • Navie42: How long did it take before you started seeing results. I will be on my second week of Insanity starting tomorrow and I have only lost one pound but.... I don't think that is from Insanity. I can tell a slight difference in my cardio already and I can keep up a little better but.... I was just wondering when the…
  • I am not giving up anything but fast food(fast food is gross to me). I think as long as you eat in moderation, you should be ok. (Well, that's what I tell myself at least. to feel better :wink: )
  • I know you can do it! It's hard work and it takes time but, what do you have to lose? Stay focused and you will achieve what you want. Welcome!!!
  • Remember.... The scale might trick you..... I am sure EVERYONE has heard this before.... It is so important to measure yourself, you could be losing fat but gaining muscle. Keep with it and I know that you will shed those pounds. Also.... ladies gain muscle before losing fat and guys lose fat before gaining muscle so, just…
  • Stay with it.... Do not get off focused, you can do it!!! I had wanted to get rid of over 50 pounds and I worked super hard at it for a yr and was 5 pounds away from my goal weight... 5 Pounds... I was excited!!! I decided that 5 pounds was nothing and if I cheat here or there and if I missed a work out, it was no biggie.…
  • I am doing Insanity right now and I have also done P90X. I love Insanity way more! P90X can get very costly, you have to buy work out equipment for P90X and with Insanity you don't really need anything at all. It's all about using your own body and cardio. Insanity is no joke, it is hard and they do push you but.... If you…