

  • Congratulation on you accomplishment. The dedication it took to continue through your ups and downs are inspiring to me.. Thank you for giving me hope.. Keep up the awesome path to a new you!! Jacque
  • I am amazed that today is your birthday- tomorrow another member and Tuesday will be my 54th.. Congratulations to all of us for making the right choice by starting here with our new healthy lifestyles.
  • I am to- just joined about 10 min. ago. We both have a lot in common. I will be 54 on Tuesday- so here is to the new "us".
  • How amazing of your weight loss so far. I to love to eat at Chipote, always have eaten the burrito bowl. I have recently started eating small amounts of protein, and a lot of veggies... This system will so help me get me on the right track finally.. Please keep the words of encouragement coming ladies.. I love it.
  • What a great way to look at it= this is reality..
  • Congratulations to you. What a great feeling that must be to see your efforts paid off. Yes tomorrow I am hitting the gym again- getting active. This system has me at my goal by Sept. 11, however I want to focus just on tracking at first and exercise!! I can't believer the over whelming responses I have gotten already.…
  • Awesome that you are still with this program for 6 months. My calorie intake is only 1200.. and I have been eating just veggie and protein, so I should be fine there. I just now need to get "moving" again.. I am excited to start having my calories counted for me- a big plus. I look forward to meeting new people and a lot…
  • Great tips- I have tracked my own food chart- journeying and awards with stickers.. This tracking will be totally different in it will count my calories- when I key in what i consumed. This will be a bigger factor for me. Need to track each day for at least 21 days for this to become a habit. I don't want to rule my life…