

  • I'm looking for a great home workout DVD that doesn't require any equipment. I've heard a lot about zumba lately, so i definitely wanna give that a try, but does anyone have any other suggestions?
  • Who has tried the Acai Berry? Has it worked?
  • So lately I've been talking to my best friend more and more about eating disorders. She does the whole bulimic thing, and that's just not me. But lately Ive been thinking more and more that maybe I could just go anorexic. I could lose 50 pounds in one month, which would be amazing. I understand that i would gain it all…
  • So I've decided it's time to change my life. I need to lose about 150 pounds, and I know that's a lot, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes :D I could really use some support and friends on here, and I'm here if anyone else needs support!