

  • Tomorrow is my first weigh-in at the gym for the Biggest Loser.....I needed to make the 3 months glad to have a hubby that is supportive. As I worked out last night....I was noticing all the people that started with me last year at the gym. Some have made a big difference in their lives....they were…
  • I joined a bit ago and didn't do anything. I am committed to trying "again" this year. Have joined the "Biggest Loser" at my gym...for a good butt get me in gear. I am 53 with 50-60 pounds to lose. Am not stressing myself out until kickoff on January 1st at 6:30 a.m. Please add me as a friend and I will try…
  • I joined a bit ago and didn't do anything. I am committed to trying "again" this year. Have joined the "Biggest Loser" at my gym...for a good butt get me in gear. I am 53 with 50-60 pounds to lose. Am not stressing myself out until kickoff on January 1st at 6:30 a.m. Please add me as a friend and I will try…