meg_sue Member


  • My boss used to always bring donuts and sodas to our general manager meetings. Then one day I told him how awesome I thought it was that he is keeping his employees health in mind and is offering a variety of healthy choices for those of us who choose to not clog up our arteries. We get fruit and water or juice now. and I…
  • I think that sometimes the people offering you bad food choices simply haven't pulled their head out, and aren't thinking about it. I think others feel less bad of their own food choices when they have someone else making the same bad decisions with them. Fortunately for me, I came to terms long ago with the glorious -…
  • I used to get the weight watchers ice cream bars or the skinny cow bars. Now I go to Braum's and get their frozen yogurt. It's cheaper then the ice cream bars from skinny cow or weight watchers, the calories are about the same.
  • The mesh panties along with some kind of forecast budget for raising the 2 you already have.
  • World of Warcraft all day long.
    in Gamers Comment by meg_sue September 2011
  • Okay so first off, It isn't anyone's business what I put into my body. Second off, I don't care what anyone else thinks or says.
  • I am 5'10" and am 166 lbs. I wear a size 11 Old Navy jeans. The size 10 in my Carhartt jeans area a bit of a squeeze. My goal is to be more comfortable in my Carhartts.
  • I agree all day long! My husband is a man's man. He is smart, tough as nails, and actually is a man of his word. He is my unicorn, I never thought I would find one like him. His masculinity, bald head, and goatee is what caught my attention when we first met. Then after getting to know him I was completely lost. Life is…