I feel your pain...and guilt! I do the same thing and then trying to figure it out when logging is a joke. Glad I am not alone and needed the reminder to look at the grand scheme of things. Hard on a day to day basis when trying SO HARD to drop the last few pounds. My concern is that my binges are emotionally triggered and…
Super impressed with your ambition! I have a 5 month old and a supportive partner and still can find it difficult to manage good eating habits! YOU CAN DO THIS--it is a decision and a goal for yourself. Take each moment at a time. Break down the day into moments and make the best decision you can at that time for you and…
Want/need to see some replies, too, please! Feeling the same spiral--three days this week over (two were WAY OVER) daily calories and it is going to be hard as the holidays and all that yummy food are in front of me. Please keep motivation coming...
THANK YOU , Sherambler, for a great perspective! I need to be reminded of that--I am ALWAYS in control of my decisions. I have a choice every time. Thanks for the reminder.
Thanks all--sorry to say I had my RED and GREEN backwards:)!!! So seeing GREEN is good and RED is "bad". Gotcha now! OK--I need to adjust my goal a bit so lose more so I can see more loss. Slow and steady is the goal, but I want to be as accurate as possible. Again--thank you all!
Great weekend response and mine is often similar. I take weekends "off" from posting and enjoy the weekend time, food and drink. I have been enjoying too much lately and have to get back on track--including weekends. Love the post, tho!
Thanks for explaining how you do this! OK--so when you say a 200-300 deficit, you will actually see the 200-300 number in red at the end of your day? Because this ENTIRE time, I have been trying to see a ZERO at the end of the day. If I exercise and "earn" those calories, I eat them. As long as at the end of the day I have…
Many thanks:) I work from home so it is soooooo easy to slip--for some reason I behave better when I am home. I travel for work a LOT but near as much this year. Have to have a plan when I am out and about--packing clean snacks, etc. as you suggested. Thanks for the encouragement!
I do the exact same thing with almonds! On the drive home from the airport (1 hour 15 minutes), I could make 3-4 almonds last the entire drive! Peeling off skin, separating with teeth only, biting in half, then each half in half again...takes a LOT of time:)
I stopped logging last year for a variety of reasons: job stress, I felt good about how I looked, my clothes fit fine, travel for work, possible move out of state, life in general, etc. In May of this year I realized clothes were a bit tight, I could not remember the last time I worked out or logged food. I began using MFP…