

  • AHEM! 'Biologists in Sweden will furnish conclusive evidence that men have "periods" analogous to a woman's menstrual cycle. They seem to correspond to changes in the relationship between Earth and the planet Mars, the biologists will claim. At the peak of the male "marstral cycle," which can last up to 10 days a month,…
  • ''This has been an on going argument for years. I still dont know the answer and I have been working out for four years. So what I have been doing is 15 mins stairs or elliptical, 30-45 mins weight training, and then end with 15-30 mins hard cardio.'' I follow pretty much the same setup. I go first thing in the morning so…
  • I'm pretty bad for putting in guestimates. I do most of my logging on the iPhone app so if you have one of those there are plenty of apps that have extensive food databases. Just a case of noting down and then inputting the data into your mfp database.