

  • Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy for you! Great job on making the decision to a better lifestyle. Great Goal too. I recently watched a move on Netflix and I wonder if you have had the opportunity to see it? It is called Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead. This guy…
  • It's great to set a goal and go for it. Happy 1/2 birthday to you as well. I would suggest if your children are young to have them help plan the meals. Provide them with the food guidelines. For example depending on age give them food choices and tell them how many you need at each meal and have each one create a dinner on…
  • This is a great opportunity for you to embrace a new lifestyle of eating choices and allow your beautiful son to mimick your good, healthy food habits. Ensuring he will be getting less fat from fast foods, sugar from all kinds of sweet drinks and snacks. But his body will be getting all the right nutrients and proper…