edited October 1 in Health and Weight Loss
Today is my half birthday and I so desperately want to reach my goal by my birthday. (Feb 17). As of today I weighed 182.8. :sad:

My goal is to weigh 145. I am 5'4 so that's a healthy weight for my height. I'd LOVE to see 130's but I want to set reasonable and attainable goals!

I NEED YOUR HELP AND SUPPORT!! I have a skinny as a rail husband and no family and not many friends where I live. My 4 children keep me too busy for much of a social life.

PLEASE FRIEND ME AND CHEER ME ON!! I'll gladly do the same for YOU!!!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:


  • RB411
    RB411 Posts: 5 Member
    Take advantage of having four great children and use them as a diet tool. Keep yourself and them busy with outdoor activities that also burn calories. If you can't be out then find things to do inside that don't involve food of any kind. And always remember that you would rather weigh less than anything else in the world. Now get going...
  • Well happy half bday! Welcome aboard and you've come to the right place!
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Welcome! You will find lots of support here, and I know you will be able to reach your goals. I would urge you to have a read through the FAQs/sticky threads to help you familiarise yourself with the site and how it works. There is a search function for the forums, so if you have questions (and no doubt, you will!) try that first. Odds are other people have had the exact same questions as you!

    You are not alone.

    Enjoy and best of luck!
  • fitwatch
    fitwatch Posts: 61
    Hang in there! Everyday is a new day. Drink water (cold) to keep your hunger pangs in check. Make sure you eat the minimum calories every day and space the meals, once every 4 hours.
  • soknurdy
    soknurdy Posts: 74 Member
    It's all in your head. If you really want this, you can say 'no' to bad food, eat the right portions and lose it!

    Good luck!!
  • It's great to set a goal and go for it. Happy 1/2 birthday to you as well. I would suggest if your children are young to have them help plan the meals. Provide them with the food guidelines. For example depending on age give them food choices and tell them how many you need at each meal and have each one create a dinner on a specific day that you and them would prepare. Expose them to the food pyramid, heck maybe even print an image out and place on the fridge: Introduce them to reading labels, good for you and good for them. Play a game by setting limits on how much sugar is acceptable in your home for their snacks and how much is bad, then when shopping have them look at the label and determine in the cart or no way. Get them to exercise with you, they wont do it right and might not even really follow along but believe me they are watching you and will remember when they are grown that you showed them if you want something you need to work at it, no quck fix. Plus aren't you really getting healthier for them, so you can spend more time with them. So even if your young ones become the obstacle course during your workout routine, keep it happy, let them know you love them, and make them a part of your new lifestyle. Happy Health - Modesto :drinker: :drinker:
    GPSHEALTHCOACHING Posts: 497 Member
    Thanks everyone! I love all your tips and advice! I do need to stay focused on myself. Hard to do with the demands of 4 kids but for the first time EVER in my life, they will ALL be in school. Because I am a stay at home mom and don't plan to return to work for a few years, I can finally focus on ME! Still gonna be a battle because I love to eat. :bigsmile: but I'll have more time at the gym and more time to prepare healthy food and snacks for the family!

    Looking forward to you all cheering me on! And cheering YOU on!!!!
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