

  • I am on level 3 day 1 of the 30 DS and as a general dont do any extra cardio with it apart from once week when i do my swimming training. I tend to burn around 200 cals doing 30 day shred and I have loast 6lbs and a couple of inches off my waist already. I started doing 30 DS partly to keep up my fitness over the summer…
  • i am on day 9 of level 2 and it actually seems a little easier. God help me with level 3 though! x
  • I am with you there!! Will keep everything crossed i see big changes then! lol :bigsmile:
  • Thanks for this post Lady Hawk I have just started using MFP and only want to lose my last 10lbs of baby weight so I have found this very helpful. Often I fit in excerise late at night once my boys are in bed so dont actually eat back the calories I have used up I didnt think anything of this and using the iphone app has…
  • I was the same the first few days of level 1 couldnt move. Then on day 5 it seemed a lot easier so i moved up a level. I am not finding that with level 2 though. I keep thinking its only 20 minutes it cant kill me!! lol Good luck with sticking to it! :happy:
  • Thanks Berry I will see how i get one with that. I think i ate 200 calories extra on saturday after swimming so maybe if i stick with eating a little more then it will work. Thanks for your help! Its nice to be able to have people to talk to about this stuff. :smile:
  • I was wondering if the target calorie burn in the excercise section of MFP is correct though? I do swimming training to quite a hard level and when i input the time i swam into MFP it said I had burnt 1094 calories which is alot. If i ate all those back I would be having almost double my calorie intake one day a week. Is…
  • I started last Thursday after doing a couple of sessions of level 1 as a taster 3 weeks ago. I only did 5 days of Level 1 and moved on to level 2 as i felt after 5 days i was finding it a bit easy. However the first few days I really couldnt move at all. Level 2 is a nightmare though cant see that getting any easier i am…