

  • Ah, so is it the protein that helps it to not drop so quickly? It seems like protein helps, I just didn't understand why. Thanks everyone, this helps!!!
  • You'll also need a good amount of space with a high ceiling. The plyometrics has a lot of jumping and moving around. Good luck! I loved it!
    in P90x Comment by KarieLee August 2010
  • Welcome! I too need weight loss buddies! Send me a request!
  • I have a terrible sweet tooth! I've noticed that the longer I go without sweets the weaker my cravings get. go distract yourself with a game or something. The craving won't be as bad tomorrow if you don't give in! :smile:
  • Diddo here, girl! I live in Ohio and all my family is in Utah/Idaho! But I'm not too far from your fam in Pennsylvania. :smile: It's so hard not having family close by. How nice would it be to drop kiddos off to grandma and grandpa for a while? I've been using the site for a while, but only for tracking calories and…
    in Hello Comment by KarieLee August 2010
  • I have very low BP too. I used to black out almost every day during my work-outs, but I've never passed out. My doc said the same thing, more sodium, sports drinks, stand up slowly. The only thing that seems to have had a definite impact is eating before I work-out. I don't worry much about sodium/BP, it was the black-outs…
  • I have no friends yet either! I've been using the site for counting calories and exercise, but I need friends to keep me motivated! Please friend request me! Or I guess I can go figure out how to do it... :happy:
  • Is it too late to join? I usually do cardio 3x/week and walk/run 4 miles. I can join next month if it's gunna throw things off. :smile:
  • Hello fellow fitness pal members! I'm fairly new, but this is the first time I've chatted. I. HAVE. A. SWEET. TOOTH. When I was prego with my little girl (now 2) my craving was cookies and anything with avocados... unfortunately it didn't go away after I had her! I HATE that immediately after almost every meal I have a…