yes yes, naturalista here! love ur curls!
4'7.5" 164 aiming for 110-115 by oct 30th
cool beans! add me so we can motivate each other!
OK, im ready!!! CW 163.6 GW 153 or less!
Gonna fly now *rocky theme song* every time i get tired, and it comes on, i just pick the pace right up. also most fast songs keep me goin...
i just bought the RS300x...but i like a big face, more reading room on the screen. But the huge ones do more than i need it to do. The ladies' monitors tend to b super girly with the designs. i say dont focus too much on how it looks, just get one that does the job. :) good luck
way to go on ur first 5 & 10K!!!! I hav a 5K race coming up, and a 5K obstacle course in june! any tips???
i am 4' 7.5" probably the shortest woman here, and im excited to put pics up when i reach my check points...i'll b back :smile:
great idea!!!
this is me too. i try to keep my goals in my mind, but it seems to go where it pleases, and im stuck...
go to, see if they ship to canada. its a leading brand, plus it syncs to most gym machines so you see your heart rate on the display instead of having to look at your wrist piece. good luck
great strategy
yeap her music tends to be upbeat, though im not a gaga fan myself. Rihanna has some upbeat songs as well.