

  • I am the exact same way! I have always held most of my weight in my lower body, and I am still not pleased with the way my thighs look even after losing weight over the course of the spring and summer. People can tell the difference, but I would of course love to have thinner thighs! I think though that you have to learn…
  • been following this discussion...very interesting! i personally am a pescetarian, i do miss chicken in my diet from time to time but really no regrets about no longer eating meat. i have found that i simply no longer like the taste! i am currently considering eating vegan for a day or two per week, just to see how i do,…
  • I just took a Biochemistry course last fall and learned something really quite fascinating about why eating breakfast is beneficial to you. It is true that eating something within an hour or so of waking up actually helps jump-start your metabolism. What actually is beneficial about it is that it helps your body get into…
  • i'm a pescetarian as well! cut out red meat, pork, and birds 4-5 years ago and have not looked back. interestingly enough, i used to LOATHE seafood, but i guess when my body craved protein i learned to love fish. i try my best to buy/eat sustainably raised fish whenever possible, and failing that, i just go for the veggies…
  • any carbs...ughh. i love bread. not a huge potato chip or cookie snacker...would rather have fruit or yogurt...but once you break out the bread/pasta/wheat thins/baguette/baked good item, the drooling begins.
  • I'm 5'8 and my goal is 120-125...115 would be nice but a tad unhealthy in my mind, it would put me underweight according to BMI calculators. I used an online calculator that said the line between healthy and underweight is 121.
  • one of my favorite snacks/lunch is the small 80-cal cans of bumblebee albacore tuna...sooo delish! and so easy to mix up, sometimes i just eat it plain with a little vinegar, sometimes i mix it into a salad with lots of veggies, you could put it into a wrap... i also have just recently discovered tempeh smoky bacon strips,…
  • As said above, some people are not big into the idea of the hormones that many cows, for example, are made to take in order to amp up their milk's nutritional value, etc. Also, there is evidence to indicate that while some dairy is good for us (the calcium), because we are evolutionarily not made to eat/drink it in large…
  • I have been a vegetarian (well, technically pescetarian) for a little over 4 years now and started just like you are now. I was curious because I had heard that cutting back on red meat intake was healthier in general, and I realized I wasn't really eating that much meat except for chicken. So, in October or November of…