

  • If you aren't hungry after workouts you might want to make sure to check-in with yourself to assure that you have sufficient liquid. Sometimes just a little dehydration can make me loose my appetite, and what I really need is water to make everything back-to-normal. Other compact-calorie, quick, and good-for-you-foods are…
  • I don't know if it will help, but nothing is wrong with you. nothing. You are learning from your life, asking questions, and trying to make things better. Sounds like a great plance to be. I just read a book that explains this feeling about thinking one thign and doing another is everywhere - the book is called "Switch".…
  • If you can find something you love to do that is excercise - that's ideal. So taim for that!! I did eventually find a set of things I like - dance once a week, run at lunch twice a week, bike or skate with my daughter on the weekend and walk every day inbetween. BUT before I figured out what excercise I loved, I tried…
  • My husband and I found that for much of our food we were "eyeballing" the portion sizes. When he hit a plateau we decided to get a scale and make sure we measured or weighed everything so we'd be sure. We found that we were guessing a little bit low on many of our portions (thus the calorie intake was a bit higher than we…
  • It may not be the plan you'd choose in an ideal world (keeping the Shread plan), but knees are hard to replace, so keep them in mind for your fitness plan. Because, trust me, it's a LONG LONG path to getting back to fitness levels when you push your joints too far. My story: When I started back to workouts after gaining…
  • Unfortunately for all the wonderful science that has produced useful data, there are still many many many unknowns about some of the marvels of the human body. There is not a complete and absolute scientific story about how all nutritional elements of diet are processed thru the gut and other body paths into their commonly…
  • I do take supliments when I am way under on vitamins or minerals, but I'd rather not take them because - as mindelicious says - there is no way to tell from a supliment how much the body is actually able to absorb. Most natrual sources are much more digestable and useable by the body than their capsule-formed cousins. I'm…
  • For me just the right amount of fiber isn't the key - I have to get the right ratio of soluble/insoluble fiber and water - berries and all-bran for breakfast and plenty of water all day seem to do well for me right now. My husband has had problems when taking pain mediation, (for back pain) - including & especially Motrin.…
  • A walk :) Often I can take a walk around the building to get my blood pumping and avoid the veding machine for another couple hours.
  • You have alot of great questions for your doctor. I wouldn't expect to see much information on websites about specific goals for pregnant woman. That's because the health of the mother and child are more important than achieving specific "steps per day" targets during those few months of pregnancy. Personally, I was able…
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