pedometer questions....

Hi I have few questions and hope maybe get the answers. I did the research in Google search and stuffs about pedometer and steps a day things. I was wonder if as a healthy pregnant woman want to continue walking for stay in healthy and fit during 3 trimesters till after baby bor. Do any of you mothers out there know how many steps a day is good for mother-to be? I know the average to keep maintaining weight by doing 10,000 steps a day but that seem to much for pregos! Websites doesnt help much about the pedometer and pregnant. All they talks about is how important for keep walking while pregnant and the pedometer part kept talking about walking 10,000 atep a day will burn your calories off to lose weight. Plus heart rate shoud not go more than 140 per minutes, uh? So I have the Polar t4 watch with chest trap and don't know if it safe to wear the strap while pregnant cuz it has this EEC thing inside the strap.

Thank you.


  • apwinchester2
    You have alot of great questions for your doctor.

    I wouldn't expect to see much information on websites about specific goals for pregnant woman. That's because the health of the mother and child are more important than achieving specific "steps per day" targets during those few months of pregnancy.

    Personally, I was able to maintain most of my normal exercise routines thru my second trimester. I was advised not to try to push any further (don't run further, or dance longer, or push for any weight-loss goals), but that as long as I was healthy, felt well, and felt safe that I should continue the exercises I was already accustomed to. So I kept running and dancing until the size and weight of my belly was an issue. And I was able to do a satisfactory amount of walking until the day before birth.

    I can not suggest more strongly that you take your questions to your doctor. There is a right kind and amount of exercise for most pregnant women but if you want specific goals really you need to work that out in context of your pregnancy and your fitness level before pregnancy under the guidance of professionals.
  • ACEuhheartz
    apwinchester2 ~ Thank you and make more sense though. Of course I will ask my dr when I pregnant. With my 1st pregnant, I stay healthy by continue eating right and walk alot that time. It just that I have pedometer now which my husband borrow to lose his weight. I was curious about it if can use it while pregnant again. But thank you. I will ask my dr which I have an appointment with her soon next month.