

  • Hey Heather, I really love carnation instant breakfast shakes! They taste like chocolate and have tons of protein. Here is a coupon: http://carnationinstantbreakfastessentials.com/
  • Thank you! I haven't seen that site before. I was looking at the tempeh and it looks amazing. Do you know where I can find Tempeh? do they have it at regular supermarkets? I live in AZ, and we don't have a whole foods anymore :(
  • Lol thats what i have been doing too! Morning star is awesome, but there isn't much variety.
  • My boyfriend did the same thing, then i asked him everything he ate that day and put in the database it cam out to over 3000 calories! He was so shocked he created his own site on here. Sometimes ignorance is bliss, so show him the reality.