New and Struggling

KennedyPride Posts: 2
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
So I just started using this site. I think it is great, but I am struggling because my fiance is not looking to lose weight. He constantly eats fast food and it makes it really hard for me. I talked to him about it, but he doesn't think I need to lose weight so he is struggling to support me. My wedding is in October, and I just want to get tone and comfortable with my body so I can feel comfortable that day. Any suggestions?


  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    You are not alone in the husband department. Mine supports me but eats what he wants to eat. I just figure this is about me and I eat what I want to eat. When I cook he eats what I make. Just know you are not alone. Here are a couple of threads to read:

    And many more. Click on search above and then type in husband they can be very informative. Remember you are not alone. Just come to the boards for help
  • you can make him meals so he won't do fast food, and invite him outside for bike rides and stuff. He should be learning to support you by the way...
  • KalB
    KalB Posts: 42
    Husband, Or soon to be Husbands, can be like that and in a way it is kind of sweet that they love us no matter size or shape we are. Just remember you have friends here who will support you and help you reach that goal for your wedding day. He loves you give him some slack. And make as you tone up and get even sexyer he will want to join in, be the example this time and maybe be will follow your lead.
  • gj7clur
    gj7clur Posts: 6
    My boyfriend did the same thing, then i asked him everything he ate that day and put in the database it cam out to over 3000 calories! He was so shocked he created his own site on here. Sometimes ignorance is bliss, so show him the reality.
  • My boyfriend did the same thing, then i asked him everything he ate that day and put in the database it cam out to over 3000 calories! He was so shocked he created his own site on here. Sometimes ignorance is bliss, so show him the reality.

    Wow! That's a real eye opener - maybe you should try this's bound to make your boyfriend change his eating habits.
  • TalonaCat
    TalonaCat Posts: 241
    I have much the same problem. You are definately not alone. My husband is 6'3" and slim, even though he consumes around 6 sodas and a day and eats whatever he wants. KalB can attest to this fact, as she went to highschool with him.. lol. Be those things as they may, sometimes it's hard for them to understand that despite whether or not they don't think we need to lose weight, that sometimes we need to do it for ourselves! I started cooking lunch for him, and dinner every night. If i don't tell him that what he's eating is healthy, he loves it. I've also gotten him to start drinking water from time to time. (He hasn't given up soda, but I think drinking more water is a step in the right direction) After awhile, your lifestyle change will also start to effect him in a healthy way. Hang in there!
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