

  • I love my fitbit. I admit what sold me on the fitbit was the fact it synced with MFP and my husbands insurance thing for health miles. It has helped me to drop 30+ lbs, now I am hoping it will help me figure out how to take in enough to maintain this this weight lose.
  • Thank you for the ideas, I'll try them. Some days the diet is worse than others days.
  • Look up freezer cooking. There are websites that give you both large and small sessions with step by step directions where you spend a day or 1/2 a day cooking or prepping for a couple of weeks worth of meals. I use to this a lot when my son was younger, now my husband cooks for everyone to come over on Sunday and usually…
  • I'm 100% gluten and 90% dairy free (I don't scan every packaged product for dairy like I do gluten) both due to dx of MCAD. I usually only sub for milk with almond milk other wise I just skip both food groups, get my calcium from a supplement and fiber from veggies.
  • I am 100% gluten free and 90% dairy free (by that I mean, I don't check labels for dairy as I can tolerate that small amount, but I do not eat obvious dairy things). Very seldom will I sub either food group. The only dairy I ever sub is to use almond milk in place of milk and an occasional slice of bread (a loaf lasts me…
  • 64lbs is a great accomplishment. Couch to 5k is an awesome program, although I never finished it due to health issues coming up. Your goal sounds doable, may have to join you with that goal.