

  • RIGHT HERE is the problem. Magazines and porn is NOT reality. Don't judge the real world based on fantasy land. This stuff is made for the shallow, not the real folks who don't expect a woman to look like a barbie doll.
  • Spot on! Part of it is the bigger butt and boobies (I like the booty part but couldn't care less about the booby size... LOL) I just think the tiny girls look sick and need to eat a few cheeseburgers. Plus, when you're all cuddled up under the sheets, I don't wanna feel bones poking me everywhere. ;)
  • Sorry, but you're lying to yourself. Take the personality out of the equation, and I'm still taking the thick chick. ALL of my guy friends are exactly the same way. We talk about this quite often really. Let me just say this: REAL men like thicker, curvier women. It's the shallow peckerheads that only look for the skinny…
  • I can assure you that I personally like the thicker ladies. For whatever reason women don't believe this, but it's all in your head because you think you need to look like a supermodel to get attention from guys. But I can tell you right now, I will look right past that type of girl who is completely full of herself for…
  • I've been making my banana pudding this way for YEARS! I agree it's great!! Only other thing you can add to really make it yummy (albeit more fattening) is condensed milk...but it is totally unnecessary in this recipe. other twist you can try to change the flavor a tad is to use sugar free french vanilla pudding.