

  • I like the Quaker Healthy Weight Maples and brown sugar variety. Its got a little protein power in it to keep you full longer. Super tasty and I splash a bit of half n half on top. No more than 1 oz or 2. :)
  • Yes. Weights first then cardio.
  • Yes I definately agree... Get your measurements now. Sometimes the scale wont change but you will see big difference in inches. :)
  • I would. It helps keep you motivated and accountable. Weigh yourself weekly to track your progress. Just remember to weigh yourself at the same time of the day as your weigh can fluxuate. And dont get discouraged if it jumps up 1 or 2 lbs. Salty foods and pms can bloat you.
  • I LOVE the body works and boot camp classes they offer at my gym. A room full of women, an instructor, and loud music. The time flies by...
  • Glad to hear its not just me.
  • If you dont already you should start incorporating weights as part of your exercise routine. Also, switch up your exercise. If you normally do the elliptical switch it up and try stair stepper or an aerobics class. Your body will get used to the same exercise so you need to constantly change your routine to continue…
  • I think muscles on a woman are SEXXY!!! Id much rather have a muscular butt, leggs, arms ect than flab. You would really have to overdo it in the gym to start looking manly. Our bodies arent programmed like men to bulk up the same way. Ive had a trainer for 2 years and I can squat more weight than half the men in the gym…