Plateau survivors - advice needed - very discouraged



  • When i plateau i do what they call and egg and grapefruit day.. i eat 2 boiled eggs and 1/2 grapefruit for breakfast and lunch then a decent supper.. chicken breast and spinach or something similiar.. it will make you pee every 20 min or so, but your body releases all water and lets go of what it is holding and you start losing again
  • kutterba
    kutterba Posts: 107 Member
    One day at a time. I say, "Just for today, I'm going to eat a salad for lunch." Then I discover what I always knew - they're tasty and filling! Plus, unless you're on a really specific diet - diabetic, or like that - you can eat whatever you want! Think about it: some days you'll love salads, other days you'll love soups, some days - like today, I had tortilla chips, cheese, salsa & plain yogurt for my dinner - yes, I made them into nachos- and for dessert I had a candy bar. I don't eat like that every day! AND, I did NOT go over my calorie allotment. I can do it - You can do it. And I took two 20 minute walks. Change your outlook - you really can have what you want - want something good - and not the same thing every day. Enjoy the journey.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    , its partly my own fault for not doing what I should be doing for getting burned out on exercise, indulging in food and drinks too often... but still,

    Blunt advice ahead... You answered your own question. It's not a plateau when you aren't doing what you are supposed to be doing.

    It's not partly your own fault, it is you and only you that has control over your own body. Get back to it. If you're burned out on exercise, find something new. Stop indulging. THAT is how you get over your "plateau."


    **geesh, you all are fast.

    How do you get motivation back? Hard question to answer. NIke says "just do it." I think that's the answer right there. Start with exercise first (I find it's easier to eat health if I've already busted my butt... don't want to waste a workout).
  • kaalin
    kaalin Posts: 9
    If you dont already you should start incorporating weights as part of your exercise routine. Also, switch up your exercise. If you normally do the elliptical switch it up and try stair stepper or an aerobics class. Your body will get used to the same exercise so you need to constantly change your routine to continue challenging your body.
  • fitzie63
    fitzie63 Posts: 508 Member
    Decrease red meat intake. Increase FISH MEALS to a minimum of 4 per week. One alcoholic drink of any kind will cause: water retention, weight gain. Alcohol converts to glucose, raises the triglycerides and goes directly to fat. There are 9 calories per gram of fat. With each alcoholic drink of any type, liver cells are destroyed and are replaced with fat. Make alcohol a very rare treat.
  • emma44ny
    emma44ny Posts: 141 Member
    See I can completely see where it STARTS as a plateau.. Then you give up on exercise for a few days... Then the weekend rolls around and you eat some pizza and drink a few (being polite) beers and bam! Next thing you know you're fully off the rails! I go through this every so often and actually having been feeling this way a lot lately. In fact until tonight I hadn't exercised in nearly a week and my husband and I ate like crap and drank quite a few drinks both Friday and Saturday night... This leads to a very bluesy Monday.. Then finally today I had a terrible day and started to think about going for a run when I got home from work. It made all the difference in the world and Im suddenly feeling back on track and focused. You just need to refocus and remember how imperative this all is for your overall health. You are worth it I promise! Best of luck!!
  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
    OP here.

    I totally needed to hear all of this - some of it was "tough love" but those were the posts that spoke to me the most.

    I definitely need to get rid of the alcohol. I also need to switch up my working out - maybe increase resistance training... I seem to be in an endless cycle of eating too much, then trying to make up for it with long hours of cardio...

    I need to streamline my diet composition - watch the sugars and bad carbs again - increase protein...

    I need to stay within a 1200 - 1600 calorie range every day. Allow one cheat meal per week - not whole weekends of cheating plus and added Monday of sulking for my bad decisions.

    Where has my head been, where has my head been...
  • HI!

    The exact same thing happened to me. I'd lost about 40 lbs and then I was just stuck, stuck, stuck. I'm still kind of stuck. My best idea is to look at your nutrients and make sure it's balanced. Shake things up with your exercise. And stick with it! Also, focus on those NSV! Good luck. Feel freee to add me if you need support!
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    I'm new and have yet to hit a plateau, but I can tell you that 1. you CAN get back on track--remember how good it felt to lose that 50 pounds? It'll feel even better when you get back on track and start losing that last bit :) 2. If you're going the no exercise route, try adding some cardio to the mix. You'll be surprised how amazing you feel after a good run or cardio session. It feels so dragging when I am actually jogging, but afterwards I feel so good and refreshed. Just remember to get your butt back on track, and don't get discouraged--everyone has already or will hit a small plateau or jump off the wagon. It is inevitable and to tell yourself otherwise is silly. Just remember the ultimate goal and how good it will feel when you get there! Good luck!
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    Use what is here for you. There are thousands of motivational support buddies right here for you. Make friends and they will help motivate you to stay on track :) I've sent you a friend request as well.
  • jmgj27
    jmgj27 Posts: 531 Member
    I have survived a couple of nasty plateaus during my weight loss journey. My worst was probably about 35lbs down. People had started noticing my weight loss, I felt really good about myself and I lost focus for a bit. That was roughly when I joined MFP. I then kept a strict rein on what I was doing for the next week and immediately saw 3lbs lost and I was back on it. Just get your focus back and those lbs will disappear!