

  • WOOOOW!!!!! NICE
  • Allready been at the doctor. But stupid me went to a dumb doctor. But at least he gave me 1 pill, and 1 cream. The cream is to reduse the pain of the inflammation. And he said that I should still workout, and do all the exersices that I've been doing, but with less weight... I am training with a friend of mine, and he's…
  • Ok so I should not take protein shakes every day. Only after training, and if i dont have time for breakfast...? What is MPF? ^^ Thank you for your help
  • Hmm. Well if im starting on protein shakes. Anyone you recommend? The training helpers in my studio tells my to buy whey... What kind of shakes to you recommend?
  • Well so you use protein only when you train? But when do I know when to stop.. Since you says that its not for long terms... ?
  • Wow I must say, you are a smart woman! haha, you really know what you're talking about. Well smoothies has always been my favorite. I drink it very often, and I usually make it myself. Its healthy its good, and always got many proteins!! But think I want to try out using protein shakes and see how that works. I'll of curse…
  • Many people in my family and many friends have been telling me that protein shakes is bad. I don't know, because I'm new at this stuff. So I did a little research and found at that many people, actually almost 50% of the peoples on the sites says no to protein shakes. "It's better to get in the food" blalball..... Well I…
  • Weetabix is so small. So if I'm going to eat those I need at least 4-5, but thanks for the advise. I think I'll try it someday and see how it "works". Maybe I'll start eating that for lunsj at school.
  • Soggy`But yes I think i might start taking that for breakfast so no worries. ^^ But I also have it at work, so I can easily do it.
  • Soggy`But yes I think i might start taking that for breakfast so no worries. ^^ But I also have it at work, so I can easily do it.
  • Hmm. Doesn't suger make the combustion slower?
  • ljbhill : Thank you so much! I tink i will make that smoothie tomorrow or some other day, but you do recommend to use protein shake? Beacause, I dont think I get all the proteins I need in my foods... Ill try oatmeal with nuts, dried fruit. Also heard that suger is good to have in it, but then wouldn't that destroy the…
  • Oh thanks, well I had a look. And it seems like your getting the carbs and calories well, but looks like too much sugar? But thank you. I'll try eating cracker bread.
  • Well what you eat instead then ?? Because i've also heard bread only gives more fat...
  • You make alot of good points here. Uhm, but I dont have protein shakes. Or i've been told to not use it. Do you recomend using it? I don't think the sugar is the problem. Or maybe in my breakfast I don't know. But I'm carefully when i ear stuff. I read and check how much calories,fett and how much sugar it is. For now I'am…
  • Haha! well your eating sounds good! I'm a big fan of chicken myself, so that's often the dinner for me too. I eat alot of bread too, but all i've heard its not so healty. So I want to eat something healthy and still like it. Cuz I dont want to be eating things i don't like, just isn't me. Bread with makrel is yummy!!! :D…
  • Well. I've been training for about a half year, and not succeeded. But for a month ago I quit all kinds of drinks with sugar. I only drink milk,juice and water. And i've been starting on a new training, most cardio. So I hope that cardio and "diet" will help me get where I want. I don't diet, because I still dont eat alot…
  • Hi there! I'm new here my self. I'm only 17 years old though, but I almost have the same gold as you. Do you workout, or diet? :)
  • 2 eggs every single day? Dont you have variations?