mardec28 Member


  • I didn't believe it (much) when people kept telling me I wasn't eating enough and that was the reason I wasn't losing weight. After 5 weeks of dieting and working out at least 4x a week, I hadn't lost any weight and was so frustrated I wanted to give up! I started eating a bit more, kept up my exercise and voila - I…
  • I've lost only 1.5-2 lbs in 5 weeks & I've been dieting and working out HARD! Everyone keeps saying to give it time, that you develop muscle, retain water, and that I'm not eating enough!! etc etc etc - but I know it's hard to stay motivated when you are not seeing that needle move!
  • Forgot to mention - even though the scale shows only a 1.9 lb loss for the month, I'm getting into jeans I couldn't get into before and see a big difference in muscle definition in my midsection, arms and shoulders -- my bf says my butt is also tighter. The training I'm doing is P90X type and I am working with a personal…
  • I've been having the same issue -- I've been working out HARD for a month, and with a couple of slips, have kept my daily calorie intake in check. For the record - my calorie intake is usually less than 1200 calories, but I only have 10 lbs to lose and I am petite (only 5'3"). So I need less calories that someone who is…
  • By Friday, I will distribute a spreadsheet with Members who want to Continue this Challenge. If you haven't already, please FRIEND ME for inclusion on the list. Also if you haven't, please include your current 8 Week Goal as well as Daily Goals which you'd like to incorporate. If you'd like to also provide your starting…
  • OK - Here are the exercises my trainer wants me to work up to for the days that I am not either working with her or in kickboxing class: Many of these incorporate 5 lb weights for me (a heavier weight for a man): Tricep dips (off chair): 15 (2-3 sets) tricep extensions in bridge position: 15 (2-3 sets) Legs:(do this leg…
  • BTW All: I'm working with a personal trainer 1-2 times a week (in additional to kickboxing classes) and will be sharing strength training exercises that she has put together for me to do on my "off" days. She definitely kicks my butt, but in just 2 weeks I already feel a difference in my endurance and my pants aren't as…
  • These look amazing -- can you make them with granulated Splenda instead of sugar? Think I'll try that! Thanks!
  • Do you like yogurt? Fresh fruit...granola or energy bars (just make sure to check the sugar content - some of them are high in sugar since they are designed for hikers, etc. There are some designed with less sugar for women - like Clif Luna bars...) Kashi bars are much lower in sugars - I love the Honey Almond Flax.…
  • Completely agree -- I work 8:30 to 6:30 or 7:00 Mon - Fri, know lots of people who work even longer. I still find time to cook and plan it out. Try cooking for a few meals at a time - grill chicken breasts for 2-3 meals, roast a large pan of vegetables. Switch things out like instead of buying hamburger meat, buy turkey…
  • I'm 5'3 and now weight 137-138, was 124-126. Gained weight when I had surgery which affected my abdominal section for about 2 months, then moving in with my boyfriend and cooking for him every night! I've started working out recently at least 3x a week -- 1x with a personal trainer on high intensity cardio/sculpting, 1x…