londonerin26 Member


  • 30 down... 270 to go!!
  • I am gluten free, I try to be dairy free... and I'm working on going sugar free, though that by far is the hardest. :) (And by sugar free, I mean added sugar; I think fruit should be in my diet!)
  • I use monistat soothing care chafing relief on my inner thighs when I wear dresses; that would probably work for you in the future. You can buy it in the feminine section at walmart, target, etc. It's a life saver!
  • I have to have something in the house, otherwise the junk food I choose will be fast food. What has helped me in the past is to spend a little more, and buy smaller servings. I'm a salt fiend, so those small bags of chips are great for me. I'll have one, and move on. A big bag means I chow down - but I rarely open more…
  • definitely going to try this first thing in the AM!
  • Hi Ashley - I'm new too - I would love to be friends here! I'm 29 and have about 90 pounds to lose!
  • I would suggest a visit to the doctor. I've had dizzy spells and shakiness due to what I perceive as blood sugar drops, but my doctor ran a whole bunch of tests on me to make sure it wasn't heart problems or anything else. I think anything out of the norm like you're talking about should be discussed with a medical…
  • I love smoothies, though I switch between almond milk and soy milk. (No cow's milk for me!!) And I tend to do unsweetened, though sometimes vanilla unsweetened. My all time favorite is really basic - One banana One cup soy milk A tablespoon of cinnamon Ice I also really love One cup soy milk One pear (cut in chunks) One…