

  • Here's one that always comes to mind when trying to make lifestyle changes: If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten.
  • Hello All! I'm Rebecca. I'm 45 years old and I live in NW PA. I've been overweight my entire life. My weight began to skyrocket when my mom died unexpectedly in 2006. I went from 190 pounds to currently weighing 240. I want to lose about 90 - 100 pounds in the next year. I love Chris Powell and his passion for helping…
  • Hi All! I just started with mfp yesterday even though I signed up a while ago. Motivation is key for me. Please add me to your friends if you'd like. I've got a loonggg way to go.
  • I'm not on FB, but am looking to lose about 80-90 pounds. Joined here a while ago, but just got going again today. I need all the motivation I can get! :smile: