

  • You already know the answer to this. What you need to do is shut the proverbial door on his face and lose his number. He knows you'll always be his fall back and he is playing your emotional needs. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt, started the club. Don't get any more involved than you are willing to accept fault…
  • The best thing you can do is KNOW YOUR OWN BOUNDARIES! Also, express them! This is a confidence issue, but be realistic with your expectations for attention. Its ok to turn it down. I'll say it again, Its ok to turn attention down. I KNOW what you are going through, oh so well. You don't need their validation to feel good,…
  • I have heard that my ENTIRE LIFE! And I love the follow up of "and you'd look even better if you slimmed down a bit." Thanks... To this day I'm pretty sure its comments like this growing up that kept me stress eating. Now I'm out to prove to MYSELF that its not about what others think and say, its about how I feel. Almost…
  • Are you gaining muscle mass? Start measuring your body. You may be losing inches without losing weight, especially if you aren't used to going to the gym as much as you are. Switching up your routine will help you in the long run too, tricking your muscles into a new routine helps burn calories too. I had the EXACT thing…
  • I found a little treat that helps the muscles relax - epsom bath salts in a warm or hot bath. Soak for 15-20 min and you'll fell completely new =) Good job!