

  • I LOVE the pics and videos!
  • YES - All the time! to fix it, instead of going to the cabinets, i go to the gym. i love a good workout plus it makes me not so hungry or craving-ly. if i don't have that option, which is everyday during work, i day dream. what i will look like at my GW. when will i hit my next mini goal, etc. i look at my numbers and see…
  • i love the group classes offered at my gym. they are all les mills. also there are levels in each one. classes are usually 1 hour but the cx works is 1/2 hour in addition to the 1 hour other class. monday - cx works/body attack (200/500 cal) tuesday - body combat (500+ cal) wednesday - cx works/body attack (200/500 cal)…
  • To start you need to find your motivation. if you start just saying, i need to lose weight, but don't have a good reason for it, at the first sign of hardship you will quit. i highly recommend taking an hour or a day (which ever you can fit it) and find your motivation. stare in the mirror, look below the surface and be…
  • I like to half and half it.
  • I am not sure what type of relationship what you have with the dad, but I would sit down with him and civilly ask him if he is happy with his weight and health. If not, I would ask him if he wants a better life for his son than he has. most parents want a better life for their kid, but sometimes they don't realize what…
  • you need to take a day away from everything and everyone and focus on yourself. you need to discover what YOUR motivation is. is it a size, is it a dress, is it a feeling,etc. only you can discover this and any tip, trick, or quote will only be temporary until you find out why you are doing this. find that motivation/goal,…
  • (5'1" ) as a kid i never had to watch my weight, fam was big but i wasn't (constantly joked that i was adopted). gained some in college but still in normal BMI. got down to 102 at 22 by constantly moving but started desk job and weight slowly crept back up. Years past and had 1st baby gained 50lbs to 194, had baby, down to…
  • 5'1" & 3 girls later SW:166, CW:155, GW:130 (or lower) rewards every 5 lbs: music, bra's, golf outing, babysitter to have some me time, taking girls ice skating, to park, etc but the one i cherish the most is taking a day off of work! inbetween Girl 2 and Girl 3 i lost 50lbs. At that goal i bought ipod.
  • 5"1 on a good day, in the morning, with shoes goal in dream world: 102 acceptable goal: 110