What caused you to have to lose weight in the first place?



  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,321 Member
    There is so much in my life I cannot control right now. But, I can control my fitness and health. So, I guess I look at my gaining weight as me being out of control and letting outside issues impact how I look. So, now I want to take control of this and I think it will lead to me taking control in other areas of my life as well.

    I think people who are fit are respected because they choose to put themselves first and respect themselves. I want to be one of those people.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,656 Member
    Basically, after getting to my goal before, I liked cakes too much and ate many of them, here I am - again!
  • it was time....
  • I looked in the mirror and thought: "No."

  • CarameI
    CarameI Posts: 5
    I want to be an actress.
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    I decided I needed to do this for my health. I realized it was time to do what has needed to be done for a long time.
  • GnosisGnosis
    GnosisGnosis Posts: 148
    I had just finished a 48 hours MMORPG binge and finished off my 2nd LARGE bag of hot cheetos, and I dunno, I just kind of... snapped. =p
  • My mom has always battled with her weight, and my dad was always pretty fit as he had a physically demanding job. He would make fun of my mom, sister and I for being fat (I wouldn't say I was a fat kid - maybe chubby) which used to hurt our feelings. The 3 of us girls would binge eat sometimes when he wasn't home and throw everything away so he wouldn't see it in the garbage.

    My mom eventually lost a bunch of weight, and we went to the gym together and started eating healthy. When I started college that stopped, and I had really low self esteem so I didn't pay attention to what I was eating and didn't exercise. We didn't have a scale at home. One day I was shopping with my mom in a home store, and out of the blue stepped on the scale. The number looking back at my didn't make sense - 240lbs, 5'9 at 21 years old. I immediatley ran out of the store and cried for days - blaming my mom, blaming everything but myself. I started my weight loss journey and got down to about 170 - then I met my (now) ex - who was the laziest person I've ever met. I got sucked back into eating whatever I wanted and not exercizing. I've gone back up to 188 but am really motivated to get down to 150.

    I just can't bear the thought of being an intelligent person that can't control what I eat or do. Watching TV and laying on the couch all night is NOT the spice of life. I don't want to be a part of it anymore and am well on my way to my goal of 150 :)
  • I had just finished a 48 hours MMORPG binge and finished off my 2nd LARGE bag of hot cheetos, and I dunno, I just kind of... snapped. =p

    ^^^ I forgot to mention that too! Video game marathons with snacks - a plenty! What a recipe for disaster!
  • Gresancia
    Gresancia Posts: 1 Member
    I looked at myself in the mirror, in clothes, in pictures and thought, all that hard work you just wasted. I had lost all the weight before and got down to a size 8 which is tiny for me. Now, I am back up to a women's size 14. I am so beautiful when I am smaller, I love the way I look and feel about myself. Now I just hate myself and don't want to do or go anywhere. I used to love being on the beach, now I haven't been on a beach in over 6 years. It is time for me to get my head and life together. I have been trying, but not sticking to it. It is time to stick to it and care about of me. I want to flunt my stuff again and feel good about flunting it. :happy:
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I refused to buy a bigger pants size.
  • kjoy_
    kjoy_ Posts: 316 Member
    My anxiety started getting out of control during my junior year of college, and i dealt with it through binges/snacking. Now a graduate, my anxiety is still there, i am just in the process of learning how to deal with it through other means than snacking. it's still hard, sometimes it's easier to open the candy jar and replace anxious feelings with a sugar rush, but getting to the root of my problems and facing them head on has been healthier for me overall.
  • During October of 2011 I was at my heaviest weight of 350 lbs. My cholesterol was through the roof. I was 28 years old and on 3 different prescriptions for cholesterol. Even knowing all of this, I was not remotely thinking about making any lifestyle changes. I ate fast food daily (sometimes twice), I got little to no exercise and I still never saw a problem with this at all. The level of activity that I had with my kids was very lazy. We would either watch TV together or I would watch them play as I sat in my recliner.

    December of 2011. My family and I were loading the car on Christmas morning to head to my parents house when a lady who used to babysit for us at times stopped by to say hello. She told me that she had gone back to babysitting for another family fulltime. The reason she did this was because the family just had a major life change and needed the extra help. Two weeks prior to Christmas, the mother of the family and the 2 young children (who were around our kid’s age) were returning home from a weekend trip to Chicago and found the Father dead in his recliner. He had died just hours prior to their arrival from a massive heart attack. He was 38 years old, weighed about the same as I did, worked a very similar job to mine and had 2 toddlers (I also had 2 at the time and a teenager). I remember the babysitter talking about him when she worked for us and telling me how much I reminded her of him.

    This was no more than a 2 minute conversation that we had with her and it was about to change mine and my families lives forever. After leaving that morning I could not shake this story from my head. I wondered a lot about if that is what I could expect in 10 years. For the next couple of days this was all that I thought about. I joined a gym shorty after. I have thought about him nearly every day since then.

    I have currently loss 90 lbs and my wife has lost over 70 lbs. Such a tragic thing that had such a positive effect on my families lives.
  • (5'1" ) as a kid i never had to watch my weight, fam was big but i wasn't (constantly joked that i was adopted). gained some in college but still in normal BMI. got down to 102 at 22 by constantly moving but started desk job and weight slowly crept back up. Years past and had 1st baby gained 50lbs to 194, had baby, down to 166, while nursing got back to 194. got down to 155, had kid #2, gained to 204, in 13 months after birth got down to 135, had kid #3 gained to 196. kid #3 just turned 2 and i have to get back down. i want to move and play with my children. i would love to see 102, but i highly doubt i will see that. if i see 129 i will celebrate, if i see 119, i will be estatic. i love how i feel when i am at a lower weight.
  • lisalisa27
    lisalisa27 Posts: 75 Member
    I'm overweight and out of shape. I am a mother of 3 kids and I don't want them to fall into my footsteps.
  • Naywifey07
    Naywifey07 Posts: 74 Member
    So many reasons... But the main reason was to feel back confident and sexy again:happy:
  • amyx593
    amyx593 Posts: 211 Member
    I worked so hard to get in the best shape of my life from 2009-2010. Then my ex-boyfriend (who was still a roommate and great friend) passed away tragically. I had also recently met a new guy- we would go out a lot- drinking, eating. I was kinda depressed and quit my 6 days/wk working out. I quickly gained 30lbs.

    Now I'm set to marry this October and hoping to have as much of that 30lbs+ gone as possible! I also want to be healthy and be able to balance a lifestyle where I can go out and indulge, but know my limits.
  • arose544
    arose544 Posts: 31 Member
    I started a new job in a research kitchen. I ‘invent’ new fried foods that are sold in restaurants and the freezer section. I gained 30 pounds in my first 4 months. talk about depressing!! I finally realized that I need to get my weight under control or my job would end up killing me.
  • Losingthedamnweight
    Losingthedamnweight Posts: 535 Member
    Being fat. If i was skinny, i wouldn't have to lose weight
  • Cheechos
    Cheechos Posts: 293
    I've started weight loss for unhealthy reasons all throughout my life. I used to think it was the key to happiness and love, so I pushed myself to become someone else by vigorously dieting. I thought it was the only way I'd be accepted in the world. Alongside this struggle to change, I also grappled with binge eating disorder. My weight yo-yo'd for a while and then just gradually went up as I gave myself over to despair.

    Then, I discovered body positivity and the fat acceptance movement. I came to love myself as I am and realized that I didn't need to be a certain size to be loved or successful. Now I'm back here and I'm doing this for the right reason: myself. I want to be stronger, so I'm going to lose any weight I feel I don't need and then work on building my strength through exercise. I also want to beat BED once and for all so I can finally have a healthy relationship with food. Things are easier and better now that I'm coming at this from a place of love rather than hatred. I have high hopes for the future. :]